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This was exactly like 16 years ago.

Exactly when Meliodas had fallen under a coma. The day Elizabeth returned. And the day Meliodas died...

He laid in bed as Merlin,Jenna,and Zaneri tried their best to heal him. Everyone else sat outside in silence waiting for some news on how Meliodas was doing.

"H-How could this even happen?" Diane stuttered.

"I think it was from the sword fight..." Elizabeth sighed. King looked up before speaking.

"What do you mean?" King asked.

"Meliodas said something about the say Zeldris was using his sword during the fight." Elizabeth confessed. Zeldris's eyes widened.

"He recognized my movements...he's the one who used to teach me how to use a sword." Zeldris said. The others looked at him in shock.

"And this is why we didn't want you here...are you happy now?!" Jenna spoke loudly stepping out the cave, with Zaneri and Merlin following behind her.


"How is he?"

"He's asleep. We'll have to act quickly. By the time he wakes up, he'll regain all his memories. But we'll only have 3 days to do something about this curse." Merlin explained.

"I see. If that's the case, then we'll have to do something about his body. The curse is now activated, which will probably make his body even weaker than before." Jenna spoke.

"Have you ever...thought about making him immortal?" Ban suggested. King rose a brow.

"And how would we do that?" King asked. Ban thought for a moment before speaking.

"Damnit...I'm not sure." Ban groaned.

"I have a way to heal him. But it's quite complicated." Merlin said.

"And that is?" Zaneri asked. Merlin laughed.

"I'll be able to explain it once we get to liones." Merlin spoke.

"And why do you think we'll just let you take Meliodas with you back to Liones?" Jenna mocked.

"Unless you don't want him to die in a place like this, then you should give him to us." Merlin spoke. Jenna hesitated for a moment before looking at Zaneri who was staring quietly.

"Very well. Let's go."


Meliodas was asleep the entire way back home to liones. The others gathered together downstairs discussing about what they think Merlin was planning. Jenna and Zaneri had stayed back in istar for the time being, so it was up to the seven deadly sins to fix this.

Once they had arrived to their Usual stop in liones, they had been greeted by Howzer and Gillthunder.

"You're back! I'm glad." Howzer smiled.

"I-is it really true that Sir Meliodas is...here?" Gillthunder asked. Everyone nodded. Howzer placed his hand on Gillthunder's shoulder to calm him down.

"The king requested to see you all as soon as you all returned." Howzer explained. Merlin rose a brow.

"Well can that wait for later? We're kind of in the middle of something." Elizabeth pleaded. Howzer shook his head.

"He said he wants to have a word with you. Including Meliodas." Everyone looked around at each other in confusion.

"I'll go get him." Zeldris sighed.


"I see. So this is his human form." King Barta spoke in the room. They had set Meliodas in a spare bedroom for the time being. By the time they had arrived back home, it had been late, so they decided to come back tomorrow to speak with the king.

"Yes it is. But his curse has been activated so we only have 2 days left to decide how to fix this." Merlin explained as the other stood behind her silently.

"I thought I might have something in my lab to heal him, but if that doesn't work, then I have one more final method." Merlin added. The king nodded. He turned around to face the others and noticed how nervous they had all looked.

"Change of plans. I've decided to just get right to my finally method instead of wasting time." Merlin sighed. The king frowned.

"Care to explain what this plan of yours is?" The king spoke.

"Follow me. You'll get a better idea when I show you." Merlin smirked.


"What the hell..." Ban whispered.

"H-He doesn't even look dead!" King exclaimed. The group currently stood in front of where Meliodas has been laid to rest 16 years ago. He still looked the same as he did that day. Even the roses looked as perfect as ever. To them, Meliodas only looked like he had been sleeping.

"How is this possible? I thought demon corpses began rotting after a few years." Gowther spoke.

"That is true. That day he died I heard a voice in my head. It may be Crazy but it's true. I listen to that gut feeling in put a barrier around his body so he wouldn't rot. That's also why the roses look they way they are." Merlin finished. Elizabeth gasped since it was the first time she had been here in years.

"So...what do you plan on doing now?" Hawk asked.

"It's simple." Merlin smirked

"Soul transportation."

Everyone looked over at Merlin with a shocked look on their faces.


"Calm down. I feel like if we do this, he won't have a weakened body anymore. As for the curse...I'm not sure." Merlin explained.

Everyone thought for a moment before Elizabeth spoke up.

"Well then, let's do it."


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