Chapter Two: Internalized Horror

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Annabeth had just slipped inside the Hades cabin when he spoke- Well, starting thinking in coherent sentences again.

Should I have left? She seemed upset...

The others put their earpieces back in, which had Annabeth blushing when thinking about why they had taken them out in the first place.

Shit, I hope she's not upset about anything...

What a wonderful boyfriend you are, Jackson- Leaving your girlfriend in distress while you lie about wanting to take a nap?

Shut up.

"W-Who was that?" Piper's eyes were wide, confused. Nico looked like he was concentrating while everyone else looked around just as confused as Piper.

In the middle, there was what seemed like another person- Someone with a deeper, more nasal-y voice, though it was still very clearly close to Percy's- And it was in the third person. Annabeth frowned, curiosity pulling at her. She was feeling guilty about spying on Percy, but now she had something to be concerned about.

"Some people cope with trauma using alter egos," Calypso offered weakly. "I've seen a few men wander ashore that talk to themselves. They aren't crazy, just... Coping, with something bigger than they know how to handle."

She couldn't read anybody else's mind but she could tell that they all hoped that was the case, not some demonic spirit or a madness curse.

What? You've been telling me to shut up for ages now! When do we get to go out? Get some actions, kill some monsters?

You and I are different, you know that. I don't like to hurt people.

No, but you liked giving me control, didn't you?

Shut up! I'm not dealing with you right now.

Oh c'mon, you loved it! It felt nice to break out of that tension- The constant stress of feeling on edge, never able to relax, scared something's going to kill you. Things can't kill you if you kill them first, you know. Just once. Let's go into the forest, you let me have control, and I won't bug ya for a while.

You didn't want to give it back, the only reason I'm myself is because of Annabeth- You tried to take me over last time!

Annabeth this and Annabeth that, 'what would Annabeth think?' 'Annabeth thinks I'm a monster' 'Annabeth is going to kill me'. Loosen up, drop the wench for a bit.

I'm not talking to you anymore. Go back to hiding. You just hate Annabeth because you're scared.

Because I'm a manifestation of you, dumbass. I'm the opposite of the vision people have of you- And Perfect Savior Perseus is helplessly in love with Annabeth. I hate the wench- She dictates your life!

She keeps you away, which is good by any of my standards, so fuck off.

If she's so amazing, why did you leave, hm? While she was upset? How dare you even touch her! The only reason she said you could touch her breasts was because she pities you. Get your head out of the clouds, Jackson, she doesn't love you.

She does. She doesn't love you. You're the reason she's pushing herself away from me, so if you'd go away my life would be perfect.

But would it? You know I'm just the bottled up you, the part that no one gets to see. If I didn't exist, you'd be a totally different person. You'd be a merge of us both, meaning you'd be romantic with a sadistic urge to kill.

No! I don't want to kill, you're just a fucking virus! Get out of my head!

Oh you're no fun. Self actualizing in one persona, not in the other? That takes a different type of stubborness. Tell me, if you want me gone, why don't you just go to a healers, hm? Talk to Apollo himself? You know he'd do anything for you as long as you bend over for him, and I know you fancy the lads and lasses.

You're disgusting, go away.

And you're avoiding the question. If I weren't part of you, you could easily have me removed, but you know you can't. You'd have to die to get rid of me, and even then, I'd haunt your afterlife. I wonder if you can kill as a ghost?

Fuck you're annoying. Shut up and go to sleep. You haven't bothered me in days, why now?

Well you were feeling happy, and I've got to keep you down to Earth, make sure you don't get too cocky.

Well you better shut up tonight, I'm going to be with Annabeth.

Ooh, is that so? Up for a fuck and dump?

Absolutely not.

What, cmonnn! You know she doesn't love you, it would be easier if you just got it over with so she can move on without feeling guilty, knowing you left her. Then you wouldn't stress her out more- And isn't that what you want? Besides, you could always ask someone to fuck you afterwards, keep the train going. Matthew from Ares has gotten rather fit, I bet he'd make a nice fuck.

You're wrong. I'd never do that to her, and shut up about that! I'm in a happy relationship, no thanks to you.

Oh but you clearly would, since I'm suggesting the idea. Don't forget I'm you. Oh! Malcom! Sleep with him if you need to get blond and blue eyes off your bucket list- Or jump straight to Apollo. Sleeping with a god would be a major flex. Or someone the opposite of Annabeth to get it off your mind... Nico? Nico's cute.

Stop. No. Malcolm is... Absolutely not, Nico is taken and a lot younger than me, and I'm in love with Annabeth! Annabeth, and Annabeth only- I'm not even going to sleep with anyone! Not even Annabeth- Not until we're both ready, and neither of us are.

Ugh, stop taking virginity so seriously! It's just fucking!

Not when it's with someone you love.

Eugh, love. Such a strong word for such a weak boy.

Shut up. I'm going to sleep.

Goodnight- Don't forget you're fucking pathetic.

Yeah I know, just fuck off.


Annabeth didn't realize she'd started crying until she felt Piper in front of her, wiping away her tears and holding her in a tight embrace. "I- I didn't expect to find anything," Leo muttered, wide-eyed as he pulled out his ear piece. "I... I can't listen to this anymore."

Everyone else pulled their earpieces out, including Annabeth, with trembling hands. "Do you think it's really a... A manifestation of himself? One that he keeps hidden?"

Everyone fell into a heavy silence.

"It's not very common for mortals, but several demigods and those with partial immortality will suffer from it," Nico mumbled. "If we confront him about it, it could either so really badly or really well."

"So we'll wait it out," Annabeth suggested softly. "If there's something we should keep an eye on him for then we'll use these again. But until then... It's too invasive. I want to help, but this..."

"It's extreme," Jason agreed.

"I'll do some research with Nico about it," Annabeth decided. "Maybe get Will involved. I'm going to spend the night with Percy, keep an eye on him and try to get his confidence with our relationship up. I might keep it in during that, to make sure I'm doing everything I can to promise him that I love him back."

1232 Words

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