Chapter Seven: Control

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This was a lot for Jason to try to comprehend.

First, Nico ran to get them because Percy changed and now the side that was always insulting Good Percy, let’s call him... Evil Percy, was now in control of the Percy Body, so Evil Percy was piloting an extremely powerful body and Good Percy was trapped inside Evil Percy’s head.

Okay. Jason got that down. 

As soon as he had entered with the others, Evil Percy was holding Annabeth against the wall by her throat while she’d desperately tugging at his hands, movements slowly becoming sluggish, so he did what he did best and charged his fist with electricity and punched Percy across the face, making him stumble back and away from Annabeth.

That was one problem solved. The next problem was Percy was taller, stronger, better in hand-to-hand combat, and could probably drown Jason in three seconds flat. Oh, yeah, and he was pissed.

Blood dripped down his nose, which he wiped away with the back of his hand with a sneer. “Oh you think this is funny, Jason?”

“Not at all,” Jason shot back, glaring. “Let Percy back in control! Now!”

Percy groaned, dragging his hands down his face. “When are you going to realize? I-” He swung his leg around quicker than Jason could blink, making him stumble back.

“Watch out Jason!”

“Sorry!” Jason shouted, doing his best to not step on the girls and moved towards Percy, though it was a bad move because Percy used the same move again. This time he fell hard against Percy’s dresser, and there was a loud splintering noise as part of it broke.

“Hey! Percy! Over here!”

Frank got Percy’s attention, letting Jason recuperate and grab the nearest thing he could find- A large book, probably Annabeths, and slammed it over Percy’s head.

“You- That fucking hurt, you bastard!” Percy whipped around on Jason, who was genuinely shocked that a book of that size with that much velocity didn’t at least make him stumble a bit more.

“Come on, why don’t we give us some more room!” Nico shouted, taking steps backwards out the door. “That’s right, come on-”

Percy’s head twitched slightly, eyes seeming to flicker as he looked at Nico. His hands, which had been raised into fists ready to knock Jason’s teeth in, lowered an inch or so. He blinked. “N… Nico?”

“It’s me,” Nico agreed, holding his arms out slightly, his voice desperate. “C’mon Percy, you don’t want to hurt us. We don’t want to hurt you.”

Percy shook his head, looking beyond confused. “You… Don’t want to hurt me?”

“Of course not,” Nico promised urgently, glancing at the other two behind Percy. They were prepared to take him down from the back if need be, but Nico shook his head. 

“Jason and Frank are gonna take a step back, okay? We’re not going to hurt you.”

Percy looked skittish as he watched the two boys back away and slowly raise their hands so that Percy could make sure they were empty and not about to attack.

“We don’t want to hurt you,” Jason repeated gently, copying Nico’s words.

“You punched me,” Percy spoke, clearly still on guard.

“You were choking Annabeth.”

“She was trying to attack me.”

“Think about what she did, Percy,” Nico spoke softly, sounding surprisingly gentle and soothing. “Did she have a weapon?”

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