vingt-huit : favored nibbles in the afternoon

16 6 8

11:09 p.m.
monday eve —
bedroom parlour


"i favor it. even with
how piquant our 
meals are in this 
world. it cannot 
compare to the 
bitterness and the 
taste of sand that
it emits.

it reminds me of the
ocean. how bitter are
the waves. the music
of the sails when i 
would voyage a boat 
out in the open.

i was willing to be
devoured by its maws. 
to bask in ornaments 
it bestows within its 
anatomy added with 
the tint that the sun 

god-father have
bestowed me plenty.
and that includes
the warmth that the
world lacks. what
you need.

what you want."


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