031. that's alright princess

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lily lay on the couch with her legs over james' lap, but he didn't mind it. he missed her constant company and the way she always had to be touching him to feel close enough.

"can we cuddle?" lily asked, "my stomach hurts," she rubbed her stomach in a clockwise motion.

"you don't need to ask, lils," james said, moving her legs off of his lap and scooting down the couch to be beside her.

he put his phone down and grabbed one of her hands, which she was fidgeting with in her lap.

"james, i might throw up," she said, her voice weak.

"that's alright princess, i'll go get the bucket," he smiled sympathetically, rushing away to get the sick bucket.

he placed the bucket infront of her and she leaned over, so he rubbed her back to hopefully help her feel a bit better.

𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐒 ( JAMES MADDISON. )Where stories live. Discover now