Chapter 8 May 17 12:42 pm

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A/N : Just to let you guys know, this chapter is starting where the prologue left off :)
After the officer left, Steph sighed. She tapped one ankle and left the injured one dangling freely. "What am I going to write?" She questioned herself. Oh, I know! I murdered a guy and left his body to rot. Only, I forgot about it because I'm mentally insane! Not. She would have to just make something up, but at the same time make it believable. She picked up the pen, which felt heavy and cold in her hand. She began to write-
"On May 13, 2014 I woke up and got ready to do some cleaning at my family owned summer cabin. I left the house and went to the cabin-"
Uh-oh. If she continued on telling the truth, then it'd come out that she didn't hurt her ankle while 'hiking'.
"-when I got there, I had just wiped off the counter when I saw the man. I called the cops, but I guess I was I shock and I freaked out. I don't know why I left, but I went home. On my way I must've tripped, and that's how my ankle ended up looking like a purple balloon."
She couldn't- wouldn't lie again to the police. If they decided to question her mother to make sure the stories match up, she would tell a different version of the story and Steph would be thrown in jail faster than she could plead guilty.

     About 5 minutes later a different officer came in to get the paper. He scanned it briefly, and then spoke up. "Ma'am, you forgot to sign it..." Steph looked up at him, then snatched the paper away. She grabbed the pen, and scrawled her signature on the thin, black line. She tried to throw it back at him, but the light weight of the paper and gravity caused it to float towards the ground. His face was comprised of happiness and anger, and with a simple "thank you" he left.
3:25 pm
Later that evening after they'd been let go, they went out for ice cream. When Steph had ordered mint chocolate chip and her mother ordered vanilla, they sat down and waited patiently. About 1 minute in her mother said 5 simple words that seemed to punch Steph in the gut- "why didn't you tell me?" Stephanie stared at her mother. She wanted to explain, but all that she could manage was- "I'm sorry. I should've told you but-" she was at a loss. How do I explain this to mum?  Steph left the conversation hanging there, and didn't bother to revisit the subject. About 5 minutes later, the waitress came by the table with the check. After her mother paid the check, they got into the car and rode home. Never before had Stephanie participated in such a silent car ride.

When they get to the house and Stephanie walked up to her bedroom, she laid down of the bed. as soon as her head hit the pillow she was asleep.

"No!" the man shouted. Stephanie only made advances on her prey. 

"Please! please! I have a wife, a family!"

It was Stephanie's turn to speak.

"Maybe you should have thought about that before you came between my sister and the love of her life, who are to be married soon!" she now stood over the man, a scared look crossed his face.

"Please! I can explain-" but Steph didn't care for an explanation. She took one step towards him and started to stab, repeatedly, over and over until the job was finally done-

Stephanie awoke with a start from the nightmare.That's why she murdered him. Thalia-Her own sister cheated on her fiancé with this man. Steph had grown so close to George that she lashed out. Instead of driving the cheater away she drove him down- 6 feet into the ground. She killed him so that the truth would stay hidden. No man, no affair, and the couple continue on with their life with a 'happily ever after'. "Oh my god..." Steph muttered under her breath. She really did this, on purpose. Not in a moment of insanity. She did it because in her mind, he was a threat to the perfect ending, the same way a weed is a threat to a garden, and to get rid of it completely, you have to cut a weed off at the the roots.

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