Chapter 5 May 15 7:43 am

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Steph arose early, ready to go to school, only to remember that she was in a hospital and school got out days ago. She sighed to herself, wanting to go home, wishing all of this wouldn't have happened. The murder. The wedding. She wished she had a normal life. But this disease-it made her crazy.

She felt like she had a reason behind the murder, prickling in the back of her mind, but what excuse was there to this? She had to stop thinking about this. Steph could already hear the heart monitor pick up in speed. Stephanie took a couple of deep breaths. In, out. In, out. She looked over at her table, where more cards sat.

They had all been opened, she assumed by her mum. A nurse- maybe Tiffany was her name, had been nice enough to put her flowers from Brandon, Steph's best friend, in a vase. Just then there was a knock on the door. Stephanie called out that it was okay to open the door, and when they did it seemed as though her air was caught in her throat. 2 police officers who looked in their 30's stood in the doorway, blocking her view into the hospital corridor. The oldest looking officer closed the door with a loud thud, and turned back around to face her.

"Stephanie-we need to take you in for questioning. You aren't in trouble, but we found a man who'd been murdered in a cabin that is owned by your family, and the last person there was you-before us, of course. You were the one who placed the call, correct?" Steph couldn't reply, but when she tried it came out like sandpaper on bricks; dry and scratchy. Probably from her lack of speech to everyone around here. She reached for a glass of water that sat on her nightstand, taking several, large gulps before sitting the glass back down, ready to reply now.

"Um-" what would she say? She couldn't confess. It'd kill her mum. One of the officers seemed to nod in understanding, but she didn't know how or why. Suddenly she realised that she'd gestured toward her leg subconsciously, implying that she couldn't walk let alone get to the station. "Okay how about this-" the dark haired, short one stated. "Once you've had physical therapy, we've got to take you in. But you do need to rest up and get healed. Say, how'd you mess up your ankle like that?" He questioned her.

Steph was sure a blank look had spread across her face. Her mind was chanting commands to her mouth that pounded in her ears- LIE LIE LIE, DONT STUTTER! But what to say!!! "I had a hiking accident." At least this was half true so she continued on-"I'm a very naturally clumsy person, and I had just barely gotten to the top of a small hill when I tripped on something and fell.

I didn't think it'd done much damage so I went home. When I got there I went to bed, and when my mum woke me up, my ankle was huge and swollen. Now they're saying I have to wear a brace. That's all I know." Both of the officers looked at each other, sort of half nodded, and left without saying another word.
12:00 p.m.
Lunch time at the hospital was as boring as always. At least now with a brace Steph could walk around a little bit. The only thing was she hadn't had physical therapy, and had laying in a bed for days, which didn't seem to her her what-so-ever; her legs felt stiffer than bricks. she decided wheeling herself around would be easier. So, using the wheelchair provided, she found the cafeteria where they had vending machines and Mac-n-cheese for lunch.

She got the Mac-n-cheese and some candy from the vending machine. Looking around for somewhere to sit was a process in it's own, let alone carrying her food AND wheeling her wheelchair. Finally she maneuvered her way to a small circular table where no one currently sat. She quickly ate her bowl of Mac-n-cheese, deciding she'd take the candy car back to her room and eat it later.
4:28 p.m.
A nice lady came in that evening to talk about physical therapy. How it would go, how it would help. When she left, Stephanie was thankful, although she had sort of enjoyed the company. She took the candy bar from her bedside table and pulled off a piece, gnawing thoughtfully. Steph soon fell into a deep sleep. She dreamed about the officers, the questioning, the body, the man. Then she dreamt about who his mourning and widowed wife, the possibility of him having children, maybe he even had an affair.

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