Chapter 3 May 13 7:30 PM

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     After the painfully long reception, Steph was thankful that George and Thalia were gifted 2 plane tickets to go to Bora Bora, where they decided to spend their honeymoon. After the wedding was over, Stephanie and her mum and brother, Thomas, got back into the car to head home. They all walked into the house in a lazy sort of strut; who knew weddings could get so wild? Stephanie had to practically pull herself up the stairs, and finally her mind was off that horrible accident. She quickly undid the dress and slipped it off. Doing her best not to fall over, she tumbled into bed, pulling the covers up the her chin.

     She didn't even want to, it was so hot, and that was also the underlying reason for her not wearing pyjamas, but she didn't want her mum seeing her practically naked in her bra and underwear, and she certainly didn't want her mum to see her ankle, so she stayed underneath the protection of her sea blue comforter.
May 14 6:45 AM

     Steph woke up screaming, the nightmare hadn't fully gone from her mind. She had been standing over a man and she was repeatedly stabbing him. the worst part was that he didn't even have a face. What is wrong with me?  Steph thought just as her mum came rushing in frantically. She looked worrisome, asking her daughter what was wrong. Out of breath and struggling for air, Steph muttered a weak "nothing" but Leanne wasn't buying the act.

     Stephanie whipped the comforter off her hot body and realized she had forgotten about her ankle. Her mum gaped in horror, not knowing what to say.

     "STEPHANIE KATHERINE, WHAT HAPPENED?!" at that precise moment, she knew what was coming. Without trying to hurt her, her mother dragged her out of bed, made her grab a robe to cover up with, and got her down to the couch.

     Her mum had just disappeared up the steps when there was a knock at the door. The pads of bare feet hit the stairs at what sounded like a quick pace.

     "Ive got it! Ive-" she suddenly stopped speaking when Steph spoke aloud.

    "Mum, who's visiting this early in the moning?" her mother slowly made her way over to the door. grabbing an aluminum bat along the way. When she reached the door, Leanne slowly turned the brass knob and swung the door open, only to see two young looking police officers standing there in the door way.

     "Erm-" seemed to be the only thing to escape Leanne and Stephanie's mouths.

      "Mrs. and Mr. Aabot?" The blonde officer said. Stephanie's mum slowly shook her head, the terror in her eyes replaced with relief.

     "Oh!-" the other, dark haired officer exclaimed, looking at the letter box.

     "-wrong address. Sorry for the inconvenience ma'am". And with that, the two officers stalked off, leaving an open mouthed Leanne and a terrified Stephanie.

     "Well," stated Leanne out loud, "I hope Mr. and Mrs. Aabot aren't in any trouble." And with that she headed up the stairs.

     When she came back down, she carried a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. As soon as Steph stood to put them on, she instantly fell back onto the couch. Her mother brought a kitchen chair over for her to lean on. Leanne helped to dress her daughter. She brought Stephanie a pair of sandals and a doughnut. Steph quickly ate it and sipped on some water. Then her mum helped her out to the car. This would be a long drive.

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