Prologue May 17

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      Leaning against the back of the chair, Stephanie wondered what would happen next. She had on a thin sweat-stained white t-shirt, jeans, and mud stained converse. She had always wondered what the inside of a police station looked like and now she knew. Bleak grey walls and black carpet. The woman at the desk with blonde hair smiled her perfect smile and said everything would be okay, but Steph saw through the act. It was a blatant lie to keep her from absolutely losing her right mind. Besides, the only reason she was there was because she was a prime suspect for a murder investigation. Just because she had found a dead man in her family's summer home didn't mean she had done it. The secretary led Stephanie down a blank corridor, where they passed a large mirror, and a door, then another large mirror, and finally the secretary stopped at the second door.

     The secretary smoothly swung the door open, and motioned for Stephanie to enter the room. Stephanie awkwardly shuffled in and took a seat at the desk. I'm 15, how could I murder anyone? Steph asked herself. Her attention was drawn to a young officer who had just sat down in front of her. He laid a file-folder down on the table in front of himself. Stephanie peered at it; there was a label at the top that read 'STEPHANIE KATHERINE HOULTER -06/04/1999'. Her full name and her birthday. They must've gotten the folder from her old therapist. Or her mother.

     Her attention snapped back to the officer as he finished saying something. She hadn't heard him at all. Quite frankly, she didn't care. She just wanted to leave, so she continued to stare  blankly at the officer who's name tag read "MATHESON". 

     "I said, I'm going to ask you some questions. I need you to answer truthfully, and if you can't answer or don't want to, you have that right. Okay?"  Steph nodded her head to signify that she understood.

     He took a recorder out of his pocket and pressed a red button.

     Then the tears began to fall.

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