Chapter 15 May 28 5:26 pm

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Steph came into the living room from washing the dishes only to find a large pink bag with paper sticking out of the top. She already knew this was her 16th birthday present, and she hadn't expected anything large. She tore open the package and saw a new iphone 6 (with a case), 2 pairs of nice jeans, a car key (which turned out to be a copy of the key to her mums car), and a piece of paper that read 'BATHROOM'. Having no idea what this meant, she left the front room and went up the stairs to the bathroom. When she got there, written in pink lipstick on the mirror was the word "KITCHEN".

When Steph got to the kitchen, she found a mess of ketchup on the counter spelling out "SPARE ROOM". Steph thought she had figured it out by now, so she was only half surprised when she saw Thomas sitting there, on the bed, looking smug as usual. This was the best birthday ever.

10:47 pm

Tap tap tap .

There was a knocking at the window. Steph opened it only for something to come flying at her. Ducking out of the way she looked back; it hit her door. The 'it' was a rock from her drive-way. She jumped up at the window just before the figure in the garden threw another.

His almost-white-blonde hair was hard to miss, even in the dark. The moon shone bright, and illuminated his face. Jason. Jason was Stephanie's ex-boyfriend of 1 week. He was a total asshat. She didn't think much of him- except he was a cheating, backstabbing piece of crap.

And now he was back-throwing rocks at her face.

"Jason! Go away to miserable....rat!" She whisper yelled. He ignored her, and started to try and climb the side of her house. She was very irritated at this point and quite literally wanted to throw something at him or even just maybe...she ran back to the window. "Jason! You have 10 seconds and 2 choices. Get up here an explain or get down before I scream bloody murder!"

Looking back over the edge of her mini balcony, she saw that in about 5 seconds Jason had gotten a hold of a rope, and he was climbing up the house at alarming speeds. She didn't know where in the hell that rope came from but needless to say- he was on the balcony in 11 seconds. Maybe he was planning on climbing the balcony either way? Steph had to admit-his climbing skills were superb, but one of his other many skills was being an ass about every little thing. Literally.

He broke up with her because she "was too weird". He left the lunch table because Erika and Brandon were "too much". If anything, Jason was the weird one, the anorexic, isolated, little freak.

"I miss you, and I want you back, please? It took me a long time to realise it, but you're the best thing that has ever happened to me."

"Uh-uh. Hell no. No-way. You are a prick. Goodbye. You can sprout your little bitch-ass a pair of fairy wings and fly out of my window. "

"Fine. Die. Alone." And with that he left. However, a thought just occurred to her. She ran to the window and yelled out, "I'm with Brandon now! I don't need you!!!" Steph was pretty sure he yelled back, but he was too far off for her to understand.

She went back in and picked up her new phone. The only contacts she had were Brandon, Erika, Thomas', Thalia's, and her mums. She quickly texted Brandon,

can you come over? Need to talk please? It didn't take more than 30 minutes for Brandon to get there. He took the easy way up an instead of climbing a rope, he quietly went through the back door. When he reached her room, he let himself in and sat down on her bed. She embraced him in a comforting hug, not wanting to let go.

"Do you remember Jason?"

"Yes. Was he here?"


"I'm gonna kill him."

"Please don't."


And they kissed.

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