one | THE PAST

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If they try to catch you, you will have to run, far away. Before it's to late.

They say, create memories with the people you love. But they don't tell you what do, if these memories start turning into a nightmare.  Mother always says to me. "What goes on in our family stays behind these walls. We don't ever talk about it to anyone else."

I have no choice to be here, locked up from the outside world since I was a child. My mother said it would be the best for me.

She tries to protect me from this dangerous and cruel world. I remember sneaking once to her office. It was at midnight. I heard a conversation between her and a strange man on the phone.

I stood behind the door which was a split open. Thank God there were no maids in the hallway, it's dead silent.

" One day,he won't be here to protect her, what does he even see in that child, she is useless, she is just like her father"  I hear her say. Did she mean me?.

"The Don is our only chance, to get her out of here when she is old enough" She added. The Donovan.

I ran back to my room, jumping on my bed.

Father would never say something like that about me. Why does she hates so much. I'm sorry that, I'm  not the perfect daughter you wanted.

"No one notices your tears. No one notices your pain. No one notices your sadness. But they all notice your mistakes."

Years have passed, I got older and smarter. At the age of 12 my father started taking me to his work. He wanted me to learn early enough. I started taking judo classes.

Self defense is important to him. Since I was born father made sure that one day I can step into his role, being prepared for anything.

I learned how to throw a knife , it's pretty easy and simple, when I was getting used to it. I always won against Dad.

"Ari, I'm proud of you for how far you have gotten. " I chuckled, I love that he shows that he cares about me. He taught me everything that I needed to know, for the future.

On her Birthday she didn't want to see, I even wrote her a card.

I walk through the hallway which is decorated with balloons everywhere. A maid gave a cake pop. I thank her, walk past the kitchen to the living room downstairs.

I hear Kyle and mom laughing. I walk up to them. I stroke gently on his cheek. He lets a giggle out.

I turn to mom who watched us, she smiles, " Happy Birthday Ma." I say giving her the card.

She adored Kyle, since his birth everyone in this household knows it. She always wanted to have a son. She doesn't even try to hide it. The only love I get in this family is from Dad. Later on in the evening when I went to the kitchen to get cookies, I found the birthday day card in the trash can, teared apart.

I try to change but obviously she will never change her mind. Seeing me as a monster that teared up her dreams and hopes.

Luciole [ firefly]

I try to open the door to my room, which was locked. I know  mother wants to hold me up, to save him. I groan. 

"Father is in danger", I scream out for help but they won't believe me. I pack my bag, I take the gun and knife out of my drawer.

He told me about going to a business appointment. His enemy, the Don. Why would they ever meet  up with father, they only have reason either to kill him or trying to get a secret out of him.

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