nineteen | ~

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Jeet and skeet, I'ma call right back
I just seen your missed call, I'm sorry
Put my mum through too much drama
Maybe I shoulda went colly

The song I added with for this  chapter made me cry ughhhh  :(

A u r o r a

"I won't let you die, either Lilian." He mumbled as I watched him take his gun out of his pocket. I studied in the room, no guards were standing in front of the doors.

But I know Lorenzo wouldn't hesitate to pull the trigger and kill her. Neither would Luc watch both of us getting killed by him. The ticking of the clock made me nervous while Lorenzo counted down.

"Let's make a deal I will give you Aurora as an exchange, you will give me Lilian back," what?  Lorenzo's lips curved into a smirk. I felt Luciano's hand behind as he came closer tucking a knife in my pocket.

"Kill him il mi amor," he whispers, pressing his lips on my forehead. I keep my gaze on Lorenzo who lets go of Lilian as I walk slowly towards him. As suddenly strong hands held me tight , I wasn't capable of pulling out the knife from my pocket and stabbing them with the knife.

"Good job guys. Now you guys can enjoy the show and observe how I will kill both of them." With no hesitation Kayden raised his gun aiming at Lorenzo but Luc stopped him.

"You can't kill her." An unfamiliar voice said a guy 6ft tall entered the room, his beautiful ocean blue eyes widened as he saw us. His curly hair reminded me of Kyle as a child.

"What does her death gotta do with you Jordan." Lorenzo teased glancing at Lilian, tears filled in her eyes. She opened her mouth as if she wanted to say something but nothing came out. But she remains silent.

"She is pregnant." My heart dropped as I gasped, looking over to Lilian belly I could recognize a small baby bump. He claps his hand together as he began to laugh.

"You broke a rule Jordan you know what will happen when someone breaks a rule. You are a good guy and great friend. I would never have thought you one of my best men breaking the rules."

"You can't kill him, please... Luciano do something.. " her voice trails off as she staring to ground.


"He is right, mi amor I deserve to die, make sure you will show our little bimbo a world it deserves to grow up in.
And I promise to wake you up each morning with a soft voice and an open smile, just the way my mom did with me.

I promise that mom will make your birthday a big damn deal. Whether you're turning 1 or 35, I promise balloons and streamers and surprise parties and the cakes of your choice. Some years you might love that, and other years it might feel sort of cheesy, but when you look back on birthdays past,

I promise you'll know that you were celebrated by the people who cared about you most." He came closer to Lilian holding her tight, his whole preach made me cry. I wiped my tears away looking over to Luciano who cried as well. Young love is frustrating and disappointing at the same time while working in a mafia.

"Promise me you will respect her like I do and give her the love I won't be able to give both of you. I will protect you both from heaven watching you growing up in a safe place with lovely people surrounded."

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