Ashe x Vampire!Butler!Reader

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Gender Neutral
(Angst ending with fluff)

When you were hired to be a butler at Royale High school, you quickly became close to all of the other butlers. They were all very nice to you the moment they met you, despite Zed and Ashe being slightly intimidating at first. You thought the diversity in the team was fascinating too. Brandon was a merman, Adam and Demetrius were human, Ashe was a vampire, and Zed was a dragon.

   You were a vampire. None of the other butlers knew it. It's not that you were self conscious about it or afraid of them. You just didn't like the attention other people gave you when they discovered you were a vampire. The questions and excitement overwhelmed you.

"Are you really immortal?"

"Does garlic bother you?"

"If I stabbed you with my pencil, would you die? Like.. you know.. a stake to the heart?"

You would answer such questions if you didn't get them all the time.

You used a sort of "cover" to make your vampire teeth appear as regular K-9 teeth that humans or other species would have. It was a strange feeling at first, but you got used to it.

One particular day, the butlers were having a team-bonding event. Adam wouldn't stop bothering everyone about it. They planned to go out at night so Ashe could go out without too much risk.

You found yourselves in Moonlight Boulevard that night. Adam and Demetrius decided everyone would eat at the cafe. When you all sat down, conversation immediately started. You got distracted watching all the lights and stars outside.

"Hey! (Y/N)! When you get older, what do you wanna do before you die?" Adam asked to get your attention. The question caught you off guard, because you can't die of old age. Vampires are immortal. Of course they didn't know you were a vampire...

"Oh uh... actually, I kinda wanna find love. You're gonna look at me so stupid after this but no one has ever actually gained my interest before." You said with quickness. You had to come up with something.

This was a lie, though. Someone did gain your interest. Ashe. You don't know what caused you to like him. You didn't know if it was because he was a vampire, if it was because he was attractive, or if it was because he was nice to you. All you know is that one time, he told you a joke about him falling in love with a human, and as you two were laughing about it he looked at you in a way that made you heart race. That was the moment you realized you loved him. You thought the love was cliche but you learned to enjoy it.

You shook out of your thoughts when Adam asked Brandon what he wanted to do with his life.

"Before I die and leave this world forever, I wanna get the world's attention and show everyone that I'm more than just a merman to be drooled all over for. Oh and uh... travel all of the seas in the world."

The conversation continued and you noticed that Ashe was zoned out. You couldn't help but wonder what was on his mind. If he couldn't die of old age, what could he do for the rest of eternity?

Zed looked at Ashe and decided to poke at him. "Oh, what will you do without us, Ashe?"

Ashe rolled his eyes.

"When (Y/N), Adam, Brandon, Demetrius, and I are gone, you're gonna have to find some new friends."

Ashe rolled his eyes again. "Maybe if I'm lucky, I'll find a nicer version of you, Zed."

"Hey! Rude!" Zed said, offended.

The team event ended and everyone went home. You went into the ballroom kitchen to make sure you finished cleaning up. You finished and were about to head home when you heard the back door open and someone walk in. Its really late. Only the other butlers had keys to the kitchen, but they all went home, right? You were still in the dark, so whoever it was didn't see you. They sit down near Ashe's leftover pastries and put the plate next to them. You hear a sniff. They're crying.

You walk over to the source of the noise and can see Ashe in the dark. He looks up and notices you this time.

"Ashe... It's really late. What are you doing here?" You ask.

"I couldn't sit still. I started thinking about the conversation we had at the cafe. What am I gonna do without you guys? You're my closest friends... but I'm immortal. I'll be all alone when everyone passes on."

"Ashe... That's a very long time from now. You have so many years left before that. Come on, don't overthink it. You're tired." You try to reassure him. The thought of losing everyone was upsetting you too, but you were trying to avoid it to stay calm for him. You sit next to him.

"You don't understand. I've watched so many people I care about come and go... and I'm stuck here, in this never ending youthful form and I can't follow them. I can't be with them anymore." He hugs you, hides his face in the crook of your neck, and holds you close. You hope he can't hear your heart rate rise drastically.

"Ashe... I understand. Really." You remove the covers that concealed your fangs. "Ashe, please look at me."

He looks up and lets out a small gasp. Although its dark, you can see his shocked face "(Y/N)? You're not messing with me, are you?"

"Of course not. Ashe...we're not going to lose them anytime soon. You have to live in the moment now because they're here now."

He shakes his head but gives no verbal answer. He lays back and nuzzles back into the crook of you neck.

"And... you won't be alone because I'll be there too." You ruffle his hair. He sits up straight and looks at you.

"(Y/N)... Would you really stay with me for eternity?" He asks. Something about the question makes your heart race, and the desperate, and sort of cute, look on his face is making it worse.

"Yes." You smile. He stands up and offers you his hand. You grab it and stand with him. He keeps your hand in his and gives you a short soft kiss. You don't know what to say.

"Then... would you want to make that official?" He asks and kisses your hand, still looking you in the eye.

"How could I say no?" You give him a huge smile. He smiles.

"You know you shouldn't wear those covers. Your fangs are so cute."

You don't know what to say again, so you just force something out.

"We should probably sleep now." You say.

"Yes... we should. I'll sleep much better with you by my side." He gives a sly smile.

You get some couple cuddling in that night.

Royale High Butlers x Reader (REQUESTS CLOSED)Where stories live. Discover now