The Funeral

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Lucy's POV:

I was in the pool in the yard helping Bean float with Donna and Dad. We were all playing when mom came with the phone. "Honey, it's your Mom". Dad went to get out when the pool side ripped .

I grabbed Bean and Mom started panicking. "Bean hold onto Lucy. Donna stay on the floatie." Dad got up and grabbed the phone. "Hey Mommy" he said out of breath and I giggled but the look on his face afterward made me stop. I stood up with Bean and Donna followed us.

"Dad, what's wrong?" I asked him. "Its coach buzzer he's passed away" he replied.

I couldn't believe it coach buzzer thought me basketball he's the reason I'm on the team after the accident even if it's all boys because the girls team wouldn't let me join. I let out a few stray tears before bringing Donna and Bean inside to get dressed and packed for the lake house after the funeral.

Thursday came much faster then any of us wanted to. We were heading to the funeral in a caddy that Dad rented which for me is kinda weird but hey they all try to show each other up.

I wore a black knee high dress with black tights to hide my leg. When we arrived we all got out of the car. I grabbed Bean and set him on my hip while Donna went to talk to her friend Charlotte and Dad went to his friends and Mom went to the others wives. I knew everyone's kids except Lenny's since he lives in L.A.

I started talking to Andre, even though he is a year younger then me we were still good friends. "Looks like someone has an admirer" he joked looking over my shoulder. I turned around and saw what I presumed to be Lenny's kids. The youngest was a little older then Bean, the second looked about Donna's age the third Andre's age and the last looked a little older then me and he was staring at me. I must admit he's pretty cute. I gave him a smile then quickly turned back to Andre who snickers then went into the church.

We were seated behind the Fedar's and next to Marcus. The priest started then asked Lenny to go up making a speech. When Lenny was done another one of the 5 went up, Rob I think he was, started singing Ava Maria. I tapped the cute guy in front of me an whispered into his ear "10 bucks he takes it to one knee". He looked back at me with a smirk "deal".

Rob kept singing then picked up a picture of coach buzzer and got down on one knee in front of the Holy Mary. The cute guy turned around and handed me 10 bucks. I look to the side to see Kurt giving Lenny money as well and laughed lightly.

Rob was about to hit the last note when Higgins made a buzzer nose and caused everyone to laugh. "Oh, grow up would you?" He yelled. "You could use a few inches yourself Robbie" Lenny retorted making everyone laugh.

Afetr the mass everyone was at this party thing eating and talking. I was sitting in a gazebo thing with Mom, Bean, the Fedars except Lenny, Kurt and Deanne.

I was sitting next to the tbe oldest Fedar son. He turned to me "Aiden Fedar" he smiled. "Lucy Lamonsoff" I returned the smile.

We continued talking about others things and basketball. "You play?" I asked him. "Ya, how about you?". "Ya I do but I play on the boys team cause the girls team didn't want me but its whatever the boys treat me well their my friends."

He looked kinda confused then Bean came over to Mom. "Mommy I'm thirsty" he told mom. "Alright come here" and she started breast feeding him.

I saw Deanne scoot away and I laughed a little. Roxanne cut in asking mom how old he is. "Oh yes 48 months" she replied. Kurt looked at her weirdly "that's 4" .

Then they kept talking and me to Aiden. Bean came over and sat on my lap. "Lucy can I have some of your milk?" He asked. Aiden looked shocked then looked to me.

I face palmed "Bean for the last time honey you can't have my breast milk because 1. I don't any and 2. I thought we promised to try big boy milk?" He pourted and left again.

Aiden turned to me looking kinda confused. I shook my hand and he nodded getting my message and we burst out laughing.

Before we knew it we were heading to the lake house.

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