The Game

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Aiden's POV:

Dad told that were having a hay ride to the place where the fireworks would be. Lucy was really excited she was basically jumping with excitement.

When we got there Lucy and I sat on the shore and watched the pre teens set up an inflatable mattress then Andre went flying up into the air. It was quite funny from where we were cause, well he screamed like a girl.

We were sitting down eating watermelon and talking when some guys came up to dad and asked him for a rematch. I recognized these guys as the ones dad and his team beat in 1978.

Dad finally gave into playing them after a while. "Guys look" Keithie shouted and when we looked over we saw the fab five, as I am now calling them walking up the hill towards the court wearing orange t-shirts with 'water wizz' on them. Then Kurt stood on Rob's bad foot which caused us all to laugh.

Just as the fab five got onto the court, the moms came down with cheerleading uniforms on made of what looks to be old news papers and magazines.

The game was getting intense. They did the motion of '78 and dad got the shot. They were all heavy breathing and panting. Eric and this other big guy faked leg cramps and Kurt and Rob left also only Marcus and my dad was left.

"If we keep this up someone's gonna have a heart attack!?" Marcus exclaimed and walked off the court.

"How about we bring our sons into this?" dad asked.

"Okay but I'll bring my son on if you bring the one with the metal leg on. She seems pretty fiesty" Dickie Bailey taunted. I could see the steam coming out of Lucy's hears when he said this. My dad nodded and Lucy got up and so did Bailey's kid.

The game started with a throw up between Dickie and Lucy and Lucy got it and scored a basket. She turned around to see the shocked faces of everyone in the entire crowd except us and dad highfived her and they kept playing.

Dickie took a shot but his foot was on the line. Kurt and I yelled but dad shook it off. Then he called next basket wins.

Lucy was holding back the kid and Dickie after passing to dad and dad took the bank shot but missed. I was shocked. Dad never misses that shot. Dickie's kid pushed Lucy over while Dickie got the ball and scored the final basket.

I got up and went down to Lucy and saw dad helping her up.

"I know what you did" I heard her say to dad.

"What did I do?" Dad asked her.

"You threw in the match. You never miss that shot. You thought them what it was like to win and we felt what it was like to lose. That was nice of you" I heard her reply.

"Shhhh don't let anyone know" and she winked at him.

I hugged lucy and she hugged me back.

"That was great" I told her.

"Thanks Aiden and hey well win next time" she replied smirking I leaned down and kissed her. She kissed back. We pulled apart when we heard squealing and saw our families and everyone fan girling over us and we laughed.

We were all watching the fireworks when a drunk Higgins got up and yelled "alright everyone last one to leave wins". ''Higgins I siad no. HIGGINS'' Lucy yelled but he shot an arrow up into the sky.  I grabbed Lucy and Becky and also Bean and made a run for the car park. Wiley ended up being shot because he couldn't move.

That was the craziest night ever.

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