Not Guilty (Wolfstar)

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Remus burst into Dumbledore's office unapologetically. He was gripping a copy of The Daily Prophet. Dumbledore who was scribbling something down on a piece of parchment looked unfazed at the intrusion and gently placed his quill down. Even when Remus gave him the deadliest glare Dumbledore didn't falter.

He smiled "Hello Remus, what can I help you with?"

Remus slammed the paper onto his desk and pointed to the headline. It read 'Sirius Black sent to Azkaban after his involvement in the murder of Lily and James Potter.' Dumbledore looked at the headline then back up at Remus skeptically.

"Is there a problem?"

"Where's his trial Dumbledore?"

Dumbledore blinked at him "I'm sorry?"

"He was sentenced to life in Azkaban without trial" Remus clarified "Why didn't he get a trial?"

"Remus he was the only one who could've revealed the location of Lily and James" Dumbledore said "He was their secretkeepeer."

"I understand that but the thing is when Sirius told me that he was the secretkeeper something seemed odd about him, like he wasn't telling the truth" Remus shook his head slightly "The bugger could never lie to me anyway, I always knew. I just assumed that this time the pressure of the war was just getting to him but after this I'm sure it was a lie."


"None of it makes sense" Remus insisted "He would of had a trial if the Ministry actually believed he was guilty. You and I both know they've been corrupt for quite some time now. Literal death eaters are among them and I think that they know Sirius' trial may just prove him innocent."

"Mr Lupin please sit" Dumbledore said.

Remus looked at him skeptically before sitting down in front of his desk. Dumbledore took off his glasses and looked right into Remus' eyes. The twinkle that they usual held was nowhere to be seen.

"Remus you loved him, am I correct?"

Remus blinked at him "I'm sorry?"

"Sirius, you two were together."

Remus' eyes widened "I..."

"I give no judgment I assure you" Dumbledore smiled before his expression turned somber again "That being said, love is a powerful thing. Find it with the right person and it can be beautiful but good people constantly fall for the wrong person and it is always tragic."

" I don't see how-"

"I fell in love with someone years ago" Dumbledore interrupted "And my younger self was convinced he and I would change the world together. I thought he was... everything. Despite the love I held for him he wasn't what I thought he was. Remus I have no doubt you are much more intelligent than my past self but I'm afraid love has clouded your judgement."

Remus thought for a moment "No, I don't know if he's innocent and I will accept if he is proven guilty but when I looked at the picture of Sirius laughing his eyes didn't reflect his grin. Something is definitely wrong. Sirius spend all of his years at Hogwarts trying his bloody hardest to defy his parents. Why would he suddenly become everything he despised? He and James, they were like brothers. He wouldn't of- he couldn't of done that to him and Lily or to Peter. He loved them, he didn't fake all of that."

Dumbledore stayed silent for a moment, examining him "Alright Remus, I see your point. I will see to it that Sirius receives a fair trial."

Remus felt a flicker of hope "Really?"

"Of course, all are innocent until proven guilty right?" The twinkle had returned to Dumbledore's eyes "But I do expect you to help me with this."

Remus smiled "Of course. Thank you, thank you so much."

Wolfstar and Drarry OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now