Blind Date (Drarry)

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Harry felt insanely awkward sitting in the restaurant by himself. The other guests kept glancing at him and whispering.  Why did Hermione choose a wizard restaurant to set him up on this date? Everyone around him was whispering about the chosen one.

He didn't even want to go on the date. Hermione had been trying to get him back in the dating game ever since he and Ginny had broken up. Harry had always refused. He had many disastrous dating attempts in Hogwarts and he didn't really feel like getting back into that. But she had promised him if he went on this one date she would lay off him so begrudgingly he had agreed.

Unfortunately, Hermione had refused to tell him anything about his date so he was going in blind. He was dreading the awkwardness of trying to get to know someone when he really wasn't even interested in dating. Merlin bless his date.

"Oh Merlin."

Harry looked up at the familiar voice to see Draco Malfoy standing at his table. Harry hadn't seen Draco since their Hogwarts graduation. They weren't exactly friends in 8th year but they were civil to each other. Now it was safe to say he had grown into himself. He was less scrawny then he was in school and he had let his hair grow out. Harry suddenly felt self conscious under his gaze.

"Malfoy?" Harry managed to choke out.

Draco sat down and rubbed the bridge of his nose "The one and only."

"Hermione set me up with... Malfoy" Harry could barely comprehend what he was saying.

"I am going to kill Pansy" Draco said, his face a dark shade of red "Of course her and Hermione did this."

Harry knew that Hermione had become friends with Pansy through work and in turn got friendly with Draco but he never expected this. Surely she was messing with him.

"Why would they do this?" Harry asked and if it was possible Draco turned even more red.

"Well Potter I may have mentioned to Hermione one night when I was very drunk that I fancied you a bit in school."

Harry's jaw fell open dumbly.

"Oh close your mouth Potter you'll catch flys" Draco scoffed.

"I-" Harry swallowed "I had no idea."

"You were quite oblivious" Draco replied "And I suppose the fact I was a massive git may have something to do with that."

"Probably" Harry shrugged awkwardly.

"Well ever since I told her she hasn't gotten off my case about getting us to meet up" Draco sighed "I should've known when Pansy set me up on this surprise date."

"Hermione's been trying to get me back into dating for ages now. She never mentioned you though" Harry said.

"I assume if she had you would've booked a plane ticket out of the country to avoid me" Draco cracked a smile.

"No! I mean it's good to see you. You look good" Harry flushed slightly.

"Oh" Draco turned pink "You don't look too bad yourself. But I've seen you in the papers so it's no shock."

Harry groaned "You think after all this time they'd leave me alone. I couldn't even get on the Hogwarts express without the press hounding me."

Draco cracked a smile "When you got the DADA job in Hogwarts the articles really were a joy to read. They had a whole rumour that you weren't an auror due to a falling out with ministry official Hermione."

"Oh yeah. Weren't they convinced my break up with Ginny was because of an affair with Hermione?" Harry laughed "They really have to give that up."

"What do you mean? I'm convinced you're star crossed lovers" Draco grinned slyly.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2021 ⏰

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