Coming Home (Wolfstar)

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Remus placed a tray of tea and biscuits in front of Harry. They were currently sitting at the table in Remus' cottage, catching up. Remus has invited him to stay for awhile. He knew Dumbledore wouldn't let him be apart of the Dursleys for long but Remus bargained for Harry to have some time away from them.

"Thanks again for inviting me here" Harry said, reaching for the tea.

"Don't mention it" Remus replied "If I had to spend an entire Summer with the Dursleys I'd go mad."

Harry laughed "You're not wrong. It get's hectic there pretty quickly. It's nice to have a relief right now... especially after fifth year."

Harry's happy expression faltered as he recalled the events of his fifth year at Hogwarts. Remus gripped his mug a little bit tighter. He hadn't stop reliving that moment, the moment he lost Sirius for the second time. But he had to stay strong. He wasn't about to let Harry see that this was destroying him.

"Despite that I'm glad to have you here Harry" Remus said.

Harry's face lightened up again "Me too."

They continued chatting and laughing until the heard a pecking sound. Harry pointed to the window behind Remus. A barn owl was pecking at the window, a letter tied to its feet. It was hard to see it due to the darkness of the sky.

"Do you recognise it?" Harry asked.

Remus shook his head "Perhaps someone got a new owl although it could just be promo leaflets and such."

Remus stood up from his chair and walked to the window. The owl stepped in once it was open and flapped it's wing. Remus untied the letter and gave the owl a few pets. The owl looked over at the table eyeing the biscuits. Harry laughed and tossed one over to Remus who then gave it to the owl. It then flew off, satisfied. Remus opened the letter and began to read.

Harry watched him read it. He saw Remus' breath hitch and his eyes get watery. Harry stood up in shock.

"What's wrong?!" He questioned "Who's it from?"

Remus looked over to Harry, his eyes wide "...Sirius."

Harry hesitated "What?"

Remus gripped the counter, he couldn't stop shaking and he would fall over otherwise.

"It's from Sirius" He repeated.

Harry wanted to throw questions at him but he saw how weary Remus was "Alright you need to sit down."

He rushed over to him and guided him back to his chair. Remus was gripping the parchment tightly and Harry had to gently pry it from his hand. Harry started to read the letter.

Hey Moony,

You can probably tell by my elegant writing but it's me Sirius.


I'm not dead. I know, I know I was surprised too. After going through the veil I blacked out. When I woke up for a second I thought I was in the great beyond if you know I mean. Turns out I'm in a charming little county in Ireland. I'm fortunate I landed in a muggle neighbourhood, I have to be careful not to be seen by wizard or I'm doomed. I borrowed this parchment and pen from a pub. The owners are very kind, they let me know where I was and they let me sleep outside on their bench. It's surprisingly comfortable.

Remus I don't know when this letter is gonna reach you. The owl I'm using isn't trained I don't think. I had to charm it but it has me company. I'm gonna stay here until someone comes for me. I can't apparate. I don't know what the veil did but I'm weak. I can barely cast a heating charm to keep myself warm at night. Is it possible you could notify Dumbledore? He could send someone to come get me. The pub I've been lounging around is called Donnelly's pub in Mayo. I hope I'll see you soon.

Wolfstar and Drarry OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now