Like Old Times (Wolfstar)

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Sirius let out a puff of smoke. His first cigarette in twelve years. It felt relieving but simultaneously filled him with anxiety. He was sitting on Remus's back door step. He used to sit on this very same step with Remus and they would share a cigarette between them. That was before everything was ruined. Before the day they lost their best friends.


Sirius turned to see Remus standing in the doorway. Sirius looked him up and down. He revelled at his sight. The thought of Remus was one of the only things that kept him going when he was in Azkaban. He was consumed by the thought of seeing him again, of holding him again.

He was scared showing up at Remus's door. He didn't expect forgiveness he honestly expected a curse or two to be thrown his way but Remus just stared at him in shock. His eyes were foggy and hs face wad twisted into a painful expression 'what do you want?' was what he said. He let Sirius explain (under the influence of veritaserum)  let Sirius curse out Peter, let Sirius break down and fall to his knees begging for forgiveness, pleading with Remus to realize he was innocent. Remus knew and he too fell to his knees and gripped Sirius like he would never let go.

"Hey" Sirius said in a low, hoarse voice.

Remus sat on the step next to him "Why did you get out of bed?"

Sirius sighed. He had tried not to wake Remus as he left their bed but apparently he failed.

"Sorry Rem I didn't mean to wake you" Sirius replied.

"Not answering the question" Remus retorted.

Sirius smiled slightly, Remus was stubborn as always "I couldn't sleep."

"How come?" Remus asked.

Ash fell from the tip of Sirius's cigarette "It just felt weird to be here again. To be home."

Remus nodded "I get how you feel... but I missed this."

He scooted closer and Sirius let himself lean on him slightly "Oh moony it's all I ever thought about for the past twelve years."

Remus smiled and plucked the cigarette out of Sirius' hand, he proceeded to take a long drag of it. Sirius smiled to himself feeling nostalgic.

"We're gonna be okay right?" Sirius asked as he looked up at the starry sky.

"We're gonna by okay" Remus replied.

Sirius felt him shiver against him. He realised it was actually pretty cold and the two were in nothing but pyjamas.

Sirius stood up "Come on Remus let's go back to bed."

Remus nodded as he put out the cigarette in the ash tray he kept by the door. They walked into the house and clambered into bed together. Neither were very tired so they turned to face each other.

"This is kind of like old times isn't it?" Sirius said.

"In what way?"

"Remember back in Hogwarts when I used to sneak into your bed at night" Sirius chuckled slightly, reminiscing on the past.

Remus laughed "And James would pretend he didn't know but of course he did."

"Can imagine his horror when he heard us casting silencing charms" Sirius grinned perfectly picturing James lying awake in bed, contemplating hexing the couple.

Remus laughed "Oh god poor James."

"Well we got how he felt like when he started sneaking Lily into the dorms."

"I'll never forget when James got caught sneaking her up by a first year and James said they were studying" Remus rolled his eyes at James 'quick thinking.'

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