Happy Holidays

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——//time skip to Christmas Eve//—-
I woke up to Eli not being there, which was weird because it was a daily occurrence that I wake up to him holding me.

I walk downstairs to be greeted by Eli making breakfast, which was weird because I always make breakfast. I don't cook the food because I am the woman, I cook the food because my dad was a professional chef and taught me how to cook so I alwayys cook.

"Good morning babe" "what's going on here" "It's Christmas Eve so I made breakfast" "ohh I forgot you are Christian" "ehh not really but I like Christmas" "you're such a dork" "sit down I have your plate" "what did you make?" "Crepes with Nutella and strawberries" "holy shit that's like my favorite meal" "I know that's why I made it, I also made hot chocolate" "how did you know that was my favorite?" "I remembered you telling me" "oh my god you're such a dork" "shut up and eat my food" it was surprisingly good.

"Where did you learn how to make crepes?" "Bisquick" he says smiling at me. I laugh at him "you're so weird oh and we are having dinner with Lilith and her family tonight so don't stream until either after or if you have enough time before" "well we are going shopping so yeah no I can't stream today"

We then got ready and headed off to the mall. It was super busy but he held my hand tightly as if scared to lose me the whole time and even if I did lose him, he towers over everybody. We went our separate ways for a little and reconvened once we were done.

While we were walking toward the exit, a middle aged man bumped into my shoulder. I go to apologize but before I do the man begins to yell at me. Things like "THE FUCK IS YOUR PROBLEM"  before I could even react, Eli had pulled me behind him and was using himself as a human shield. Then man had to look up at Eli. Eli, being the gamer he is, isn't very buff, but he puffed up his chest and looked down at the guy menacingly. The guy knew he was beat so he walked off muttering under his breath. That was hot.

When we got in the car he looked at me with a smile. I look at him and it made me smile "what are you so smiley for" "well, I went to a store and... got us matching pjs" he pulls them out of his bag "you're such a dork, I love you" "I know you do" I joking punched him.

We got back to the house and put our matching pajamas on. We then watched every single Christmas movie we could before it was time for dinner.
We went inside for dinner and ate just about everything. We stayed and talked in the main house for a good while before we were both tired. We headed back to our guest house.

Eli made hot chocolate for us and we watched another Christmas movie. I fell asleep on him. He took a picture of me and posted it on Twitter. He accidentally woke me up, which was fine because I wanted to sleep on the bed. We got up and went to the bed. We both fell asleep quickly.

When I woke up, Eli was still sleeping, I decided to stay in bed with him. He woke up and while half asleep he said "merry Christmas" and kissed me on the cheek. His mornin voice still gets me.

"I'm going to make breakfast what would you like "whatever you want is fine with me, I have a few presents for you that I wanted you to open" "your too nice to me I swear." He laughed and got the presents out from under his desk.

"Here you go" he said while giving me a big hug" I open it and low and behold, it was the sweatshirt from that night. I almost started crying. I gave him a big hug and he kissed me on my forehead. "I got you stuff too" "oh god I'm scared" we both laughed. "Here you go" "why is it so heavy- oh my god, where the hell did you find a 20 pound bag of gummy worms" "heehee I shall not tell" "Here open your other gift... I got you the best art supplies on the market" "WHYYY these are so expensive" "Um I don't really care about money" "oh shut up... here's your other gift, I made them" "CUSTOM GLASSES AND MASK, how long did this take you" "We don't talk about that" "I got you one last thing" "asshole, you knew I only got you two things why did you have to one up me" "it's what I do... anyways do you remember that night that we got high at the park? "Yeah?" "Well I lied, it was my first time getting high, but you made me feel comfortable so I got you this" Awww I could tell it was your first time, I thought it was cute" I look down at what he placed in my hands "Is this a prerolled blunt?" "Heehee yes, it's the same one as from that night too" "oh my god I love you" "oh hold on one sec let me just-" He pulled out 5 more blunts from his pocket. "If this isn't love I don't know what is" and at that moment he put his hands around my face and pulled me in and kissed me.

This one was aggressive. This one wasn't like our regular old kisses, this one was passionate(not in that way please). It was like we couldn't show each other how much we loved each other but we kept trying.

His hand wrapped around my waist as pulled me in closer to him. We then stopped to catch our breath

When we stopped, we kind of looked at each other in awe "you know y/n you're perfect" I blushed and he gave me a hug. "Right well why don't we go light one of those suckers up" "Eli, you're such a dork" We both laugh and go on the patio to smoke.

He takes me by the hand and takes me to his car, we get in and start driving, he doesn't tell me where we are going. Surely enough he looked at me and said "we're here" I look over to see a playground in the middle of the park almost identical to the one from Florida "I can't with you"

You spend your last few days together and all was fine until the day before he leaves.

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