The Meet

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Oh wow Virat and I together,how nice.I looked up at the clock 5;45 already. Bloody hell, I must go and change

Virat was my my inspiration ever since he started to play and it would be nice chatting to him


Rima with her first conversation only had reduced my worries I needed to thank her for the book, for the help and apologize her for the shout.I got into my car viewing the address in my phone. great the place was somewhat 15 minutes away from my house( I shifted over here from the hotel).I quickly drove to her house and there I saw a girl standing infront of her bunglow with a German shepherd by her side. she had neck length hair,dressed in jeans and a jacket.she sure was Tomboyish but belive me she was looking beautiful

she looked at me, and came towards the car, I got out of my car and leaned on it and just then her dog came running towards me, pounced on me licking my face and she was there laughing and then she shouted

"Rowdy come back" the dog went running towards her.


I decided to wear plain and comfortable clothes and was waiting outside when he came. As he got out of the car, I ordered Rowdy"go lick". His smile turned into and nervous look and as Rowdy pounced on him I couldnt control myself and started laughing.I ordered him to come back and took him to my house,patted him,locked the house and went into the car.

Virat,he looked flawless he was wearing a black T-shirt a black jacket and blue jeans,his nattily gelled hair with faint spikes, his sweet smile and his ever enchanting coffee coloured eyes(even I had the same colour,but his were much more enchanting) mesmerized me.I got completly zoned out.

He suddenly tapped on my shoulder

I shook my head coming back to the earth

"hey you look cool" i said

"you too look handsome" he said


"you are a tomboy right, and boys dont look beautiful"


" just joking, you look beautiful"

"thanks sir" 


That was enough I didnt like her calling me sir

"First drop calling me sir"

"okay sir"


"sorry sir"she jokingly said


"okay virat.......................sir"

"Enough please"


"so your Dog's name is Rowdy"


we talked about many random things and seriously I never felt a bit uncomfortable with her. I gave her my cap and she felt as she was on the top of the world with ther smile widened ,and hugging my cap as a long lost friend. I asked her about her parents and came to know that her father got transfered to banglore and her family was there and she was working in mumbai so she stayed in here.I was astonished to know that she never had a boyfriend, as the boys feared her as she liked beating them up, killing them with sarcasm and loved thrill and hated romance. she is a crazy girl indeed. 

She asked for an autograph but not for a hug or pic,when Iasked her the reason she said that,if she does so it might embarrass or make the person in front uneasy. she was really insane.

Heart and Bat (A Virat Kohli Fanfiction) [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now