First Class

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I parked the car outside and went in swinging my false ID and abruptly stopped as I entered. There were three people Gayathri, Raina and Virat. Gayathri went upstairs on seeing me and Virat and Raina were in some deep serious conversation. I sneaked in.

"stop right there" Virat said
I bit my tounge and turned" oh hi virat hi raina"
" where were you" raina asked
" why do you care" I said as I did not liked to be dominated by anyone
"Rima you are imposibble, what has gotten into you? You dont show up in the begining then you celebrate a little, go to attend a call then out of the blue you reach home and when Gayathri opens the door, the house is deserted what are you upto huh? Virat asked.


I wante to know what she was upto. I mean you suddenly vanish then suddenly show up. What is this?

"Where were you?" i asked
" Messi!" she said
"what got messy rima?"
"Lionel Messi"
"Rima???" Raina piped in

" okay iwantedtomeetmessibutherewas...."she started at one go and we understood nothing

" Rima! Slow down and we want the truth" Raina said

" Fine... Messi was having a ad shoot in mumbai and that place is two hours away from I and Gayathri changed identities and..........we came back here but my car was still there so..........and when I came back I saw you. Sorry" She said

We were Horror stricken and couldnt blink, we only stared at her. How she could take such a big risk? She hung her face down.

I stood up and went towards her and shook her vigrously
" Are you nuts? Are you in your senses? There could have been a great problem if you two would have been caught. And suppose they checked for tickets inside then?? Messi fan listen this should not repeated clear?? "

She narrowed her eyes and said "why do you care virat?"
Honestly I did not know the reason myself

"You have a wierd brain Rima" Raina said
"Awwww....I am also filled with awe" I said laughing

Gayathri came down and we left cause we had a team meeting the next day.


Let her suffer, it was her idea afterall
why should I be the part of the firing? Thinking so I went upstairs. After the atmosphere was cooled down I went down. But how could I escape Rima's firing

" What the hell Gaythri, you also got the benefit na then why did you sneak out.....u are so problematic....gayathri pay just cant leave it....blah blah blah

atlast the lecture ended with the day

_____________Next Day_____________

"Gayathri I need you right here at 10:30 sharp not a second late understand. Dont take me for granted" Mr. D'costa yelled at me. but why ??

with a lot of persuading and pleading and begging Rima atlast agreed to accompany me as I was left with no guts to go there alone


The office was hit by a Typhoon.
"Where the heck is my tea?? and Nikita see if the guests have arrived.....Adi, where is the file huh?? My tea please....Ragini?? why are you here you have to interview Mr. Agarwal today....Sanjeev will you please stop chatting with Ankita and Nisha where are your rapid fire questions for our interview today.....Ramu my teaaaa.....Tanish?? got the information??." Mr D'costa was shouting on every person today.

"Mr. D'costa?? where's the fire? why is your head on fire?" I asked
" Romboy??"
Mr. D'costa called me by that name when he d be extremely happy with me. He merged Rima and tomboy.

I literally missed this atmosphere. Everyday in office I would be on the verge of forgetting my name as right from Mr. D'costa to the other employees everyone had a different nickname for me.

I mean Rima is short enough so what is the need of names like Romboy, Devil, Chilli, Don, Proffesor?? okay I am dominating, Risk taker, Tomboy but still.

" Gayathri can you please take the interview of Mr. Roy, he is the new member of the winning Party."

" sir it was to be done by Vini"
" she is fired"
" what when why?"

Vini wasnt a specialist so she did politics and spice ( ads and films)

" yesterday she drooled so much over Messi in the conference that she forgot to ask any questions and did not produce a good article"

I rushed into the car and searched for the paper and handed it to Mr. D'costa who had a surprised expression since the time I rushed

" will this do??" I asked handing him over the article I wrote to prevent doubts yesterday

" wh..where from did you get this Romboy??"

I had to explain everything to him and earned a bit firings from him.

" How did you manage the First class (T-20 is called first class cricket) article then?"

" I joined them in the end and also youtube"

He patted my shoulder "Dare you do that again"
Now I had a craving to do the thing I was denied to so I just needed another chance

___________Next day_________

I was the first to enter the VIP box as I could no more tolerate the sarcastic firings.
Gayathri was busy discussing some political stuff with the cartoonist for his next cartoon. So she couldnt come

" Did sun rise from the soth today? so obidiently you are here" Mr. D'costa said

I ignored him and the match started. The first few overs were okay. But soon the first wicket fell. Virat entered. From here started the ravage on the Lankans. The stadium was echoing with" virat.....virat..."

But then all we could see is wickets falling like a pack of cards. Noooo. Now the stadium echoed with "sangaaa....kaaraaa". We were all out in 17.4 overs with virat unbeaten on 67and Raina made 45. But two players cannot lift the match. Sri Lanka had a highly beatable target of 154.

The first overs were tight and when we started to gain hopes. The Death bowlers (last overs), gave the match to them. We talked for sometime and I reached home, sighed and started the article.
How good it felt last time to give the article the heading"INDIA OPENS WITH A WIN" and now how heartbreaking was it to give it a heading "INDIA FLOPS IN THE SECOND MATCH"

______Day of the deciding match____

Yesterday I went to see them practice. Virat was very angry. He hit everyball really hard nearly ripping the nets. He hardly talked to anyone.

The whole stadium was overcrowded today. India had to beat a target of 187 runs and this was the last over. Ashwin and Virat on the striker's and non striker's respectively. Bowler was the noodle haired guy Malinga.
6 ball 10 runs. Ashwin took a single. Virat a dot. Then a four. Two dots.

Malinga came running threw the ball towards virat and with a slight touch of his bat the next momment the ball was in the stands. We won

After the presentation we all were celebrating but I couldnt enjoy. I was happy but Virat was leaving in a few days so I had a sad feeling....

Authors note: Hey guys how was it? Please comment vote and reccomend.


Heart and Bat (A Virat Kohli Fanfiction) [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now