Deliberate Mistake

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Time flew past and when January ended I didn't know. Rima was not even bothered to answer my calls and she was too ignorant in conferences. She would ask all other player questions leaving me. She'd not even bother looking at me. She'd cleverly leave only when other journalists have surrounded us and even when once or twice we have stopped her, she would snap back and ignore us.

It was very sorrowful for me. February flew past too. I have hurt her yes, but if she thinks it was her fault then she should come back as for her I'll be forgiving her. But she was she.

Today is February 13th a Friday. Well am not a superstitious person but still. We were in a party thrown by Rohit for the launch of his cousin's book.

Far across as they show in fairy tales under the shining moonlight in the well dimmed garden walked in the prettiest girl I had ever laid my eyes on with the rudest look I had ever came across. yes it was Rima. With her notebook under one arm, her earphones plugged into one ear and she was talking to probably another journalist.

Yes, journalists were allowed, after all it was the book launching ceremony of the man who owned a whole charity football club. Rima moved towards other journalists.The launching was to be done at the Inn where to which the garden belonged to.

"Guys umm..guys lets move up for the launching" Rohit said

We moved towards the lifts waiting turn by turn. Out of three elevators one elevator was faulty and had broken lights. The elevator had transparent glass on the other side so that we could view the outside sight. My eyes had never left following Rima. She being that restless girl of mine, used the stairs. C'mon girl, its the 10th floor you have to go and you are taking the stairs.Wat till you are in my grasp, I will never let you strain yourself so much.

"Virat c'mon what are you waiting for?" Gayathri's voice snapped me out of my thoughts.


"Rima..isn't she the reason" she cut me off

"Yeah she is the very reason"

"Its okay mate, we will sort out the things. Rohit has invited her for the after party as a friend and she has agreed. It was a tedious job though"

A smile spread across my weary face as I snapped my head up and grinned once I saw a whole source of light of hope on their faces.

As the lift stopped at the tenth floor we saw the beautifully decorated hall with curtains and velvet covered chairs.Buffet system was being set and Rima as usual was on the first row.

In moments the flashing of lights, rumbling of words and questionaire started. We obviously weren't a part of the conference thus we sat back in the seats viewing the boring show. These journalists really get on ones nerves.

I fished out my phone and started scrolling through instagram, twitter and other accounts of mine. Suddenly her voice wiggled in my ears and made me shoot my head up.

"So what do you think should be the response of the people?" She asked

Ah good yet twisting question as always. 

Professional, straight forward and rowdy from the outside, my girl was a beautiful angel from the inside. Pretty soon I was busy again in my accounts and the conference ended.

We all descended down to the garden till the dinner still was being set up.

"Cheers for my cousin" Rohit yelled and raised a toast, all others followed.

Gayathri came up to me and stood beside me, and as Rima didn't know much persons out here she was compelled to join me and Gayathri.

She and Gayathri and I stood in an awkward silence only to be broken by Rohit's voice.

Heart and Bat (A Virat Kohli Fanfiction) [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now