Congratulations And Celebrations

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It was already 11:50, new year was coming and these guys were not yet done with the marriage. They had urged their parents to have the ceremony at night. God knows why. Vampires? 

Now the problem which arose was all were well dressed in full sleeve clothes beating the cold but the boor Brides, wearing off shoulders as in Gayathri, Backless as in Riya and Strapless as in Rima were almost shivering. And they had been asked to kiss with chattering teeth.

They both looked towards each other and leaned in. Rima was obviously too shy, of course, for god's sake her parents were in front. His hand rested on her waist calming her down.

"Think its only me and you and the moon"

"But Virat, its not the exact case"

Virat had no intentions of tolerating her logical explanations and so he pushed her nervous face up and kissed her. A quick kiss, knowing she was nervous.

It never happens so, but this time it did. They were still kissing when the fire crackers lit up the sky, it shone on their faces, making them ever so charming. People around were wishing each other new year and look at a amazing thing that happened.

The wedding was held half on 31st and half on 1st. 

"Happy New Year Mrs Rima Kohli"

"Happy New Year Mr. Kohli, so you sure were succesful in stealing my surname, yeah? Lovely Rascal?"

The echo of applauds spread across the surrounding and the party started. Everyone was in a light mood and the sun disappearing into the horizon made it an awesome evening. The guests were to go the morning next. The champagne was sprayed, toasts were held and all gathered together to congratulate and bless the newly wedded couples.

It was one of the best friends of Virat, Ayesha raising the toast first.

Hi everyone, good evening and welcome. For those who don't know me, I'm Ayesha - Virat's friend. First of all, I'd like to thank Virat's family for being such wonderful hosts. I've known Virat since middle school. But we only spoke in person during a reunion few years ago. Since then, we've been best friends. He's the kind of guy anyone can rely on. He's straightforward, and prefers hitting you with the truth rather than comforting you with the lie. That's what I love the most about him. You see, he appears to be rough and tough on the field, but he's a very funny person off the field. Humorous, to be precise. I'm so glad to be here today, witnessing him exchanging vows with the girl who's got him clean bowled. Seriously Rima - I salute you. You've done the impossible. I haven't got much time to get to know you, Rimz, but from whatever Virat has told me (which is everything - from your hatred for roses to your love for books), I think we're gonna be great friends. I'd just like to end this speech by saying, that Rima, Virat is a gem of a person. This guy wears his heart on his sleeve. He can be annoying sometimes, but trust me, he deserves a woman who will love him like he's the last drop of water in a desert. I'm sure you are that woman. You guys make a great pair. God bless you both always. Cheers!

"She is indeed a great girl, we used to do many funny things, She was the class scholar you know? I used to get a load jealous of her grades" Virat said leaning a little bit towards Rima

"And I Love her already" Rima chirped back.

The toast was raised and one by one all of the guys came and congratulated whom ever they knew from Rohit, Gayathri, Raina or Riya.

"She's called Dev Dharshini my bestie, we were and still are the craziest besties you'll ever find, she cared a lot about me and still does" Rima said as a Girl stood up smiling

"Hello everyone out there, for those who don't know who I am, am the best mate of Rima, yeah..we met long back and I really liked her for her Tomboyish extraordinarry nature, did tease her with Virat, come on Rima, now don't tell me you didnt tell him about your tantrums about him"

Rima shook her head vigorously and pressed her finger to her lips telling her to shut up.

"I'll get to mnow about that anyway Mrs Kohli"

Virat laughed and she continued

"My friend, you wont be spared, anyway thank you so much Virat for knocking some sense into her and making her realize how important love is in one's life. You guys please act like grown ups and act matured. May your life be filled with happiness and joys, no matter what keep in mind that you both have to hold on to each other firmly, may you be always happy and may you love each other like no other. I know Rima will always light up your world Virat, and I know Virat will always be Truly madly deeply in love with you. God bless you both."

They both smiled and the soft blanket of sweet fog surrounded them.

Another pretty girl, somewhat of the age of Rima stood up.

"Prerna she is, my college mate she was the pet of all teachers and best in whatever she put her hand in,another great friend of mine, bubbly and chubby we used to have loads and loads of fun" said Virat

"I've known both of you and I know that you will love each other dearly,there is completely no doubt to that, may your love always shine through the dark and may you always be strong, nothing can break you both, may you always be as adorable as you are.congrats"

One by one many others came,as much as Rima loved the tidings that much she wanted to crash on the bed. Her feet were getting numbed and there was no so called 'wedding night' for them. It was the new year and hence probably much celebration was stored for later. Rima's head leaned on Virat's sturdy shoulder as she smiled at the guests speaking.

"She is Shadly my best mate from high schools, you never know the things we did, teachers adored us for your studies and smacked their foreheads for our madness" Rima was suddenly full of energy

Good evening everyone I want to start off thanking you all  for being together and inviting me to this very special day, for those who don't know me am Shadly, bestfriend of 15 years. I want to let you to know that you two look extremely gorgeous and stunning today.Rima you look absolutely beautiful and I have a hard time believing that it was actually you the tomboy I have known and Virat  you never looked more handsome. I have known Rima the lady Einstein for past 15 years from high school days. I have cursed her every time she snatched top scores from me.I have had the opportunity to watch her grow become a nerd and grow into the wonderful woman that  she is today. I'm Proud to call her my best friend she's smart generous gorgeous and caring I'm glad that she found her Prince Prince Charming despite being a Tomboy which I thought that you would never do. I believe that she'll achieve success as a fascinating wife. And Virat I can't thank you enough for making the Tomboy fall in love. you are smart compassionate loyal and funny and it is comfort knowing Rima will always have you by her side. you are everything and more than I could have ever hoped for my best friend.I am thank you for filling Rima's octet and making her complete. Today is not only a celebration of where you are now on the road ahead but the road that has brought you here everyone please raise your class with Me to happily congratulate the new couple for sharing the electrons and involving in covalent bond congratulations and may you stay happy forever

"At last a friend like you, like you guys have this disease or what of inserting Logical things into just everything" Virat laughed

"Hey,mind your tounge, nothing ill about my friends"

And the night set in more, darker and brighter with fireworks. And the ceremony proceeded.

Author's Note: All those who havent been featured,guys am tired.will feature you in the next. And everyone attention please. 3rd day of January is here and Am ending my book. Two chapters to go and I'm done. Actually we all will be at last over with this book. Once done Libraries and reading lists will be free isnt it? Vite and comment and *says something you really like*

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