Chapter 1

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A.N. Hello! This is my first chapter of my first Wattpad Story! I hope you guys like it. Any suggestions are welcome, and comments/votes are really appreciated. Don't forget to tell me what you liked and what you didn't like, so I can keep making the story better!
Thank you, and ENJOY!


Kate's POV.

"Kate?... Kate?" I heard a perfect voice call, bringing me back into my English room. I looked up to see a pair of sky blue eyes set on me. "Miss Alison?!" I suddenly snapped out of my gaze.

"Uh-yeah?" I responded suddenly, extremely embarrassed at my stupidity.

"I'm doing the register," he smirked. "It would be really great if you could respond to it." I rolled my eyes at his sarcasm.

"Here." He read out the next name and I let out a small sigh. I knew I should've gone to bed earlier last night. 'A new college year is a new start' I told myself. That lasted half an hour until I decided to watch YouTube videos all night.

"Right!" the man chirped, clapping his hands and making me jump. His eye wandered over to me with that stupid smirk plastered on his face once again. "Welcome back everybody. For those who didn't have me last year, I'm Rob Carey." I smiled as all the memories from last year came flooding back. "However for some of the more unfortunate members of the class, you have me for another whole year." 'Unfortunate?!' I thought. He has always been an incredible teacher, in my eyes anyway. My English improved so much last year that I decided to start writing my own blog. It was Rob's idea in fairness.

After realising I had slipped into my own little world again, I sat up in my chair and looked up to Rob who was leaning on the front of his desk, with his hands in his pockets. His crisp white shirt was tucked into his faded jeens that were quite fitting. "When you've finished having a good look, hand these out," he said with a raised eyebrow, throwing some papers in front of me. 'You idiot!' I mentally screamed at myself. He just had to catch me with my eyes glued to his crotch didn't he? With my rather pink face, I picked up the papers and handed them out. To say I got a few dirty looks would be an understatement.

I returned to my seat and glanced at the sheet I'd placed on my desk. "Today we're looking at a theory from Deborah Tanning" he started, with that crooked smile.  The lesson flew by and soon the bell sounded throughout the classroom, signalling that I now had Media with Dawn Hardy, who happens to be Rob's boyfriend. Brilliant...

I walked  into the classroom to be greeted by instant daggers from Miss. Hardy. I never knew what she had against me, I'm a perfectly nice girl and I always keep my head down. She doesn't deserve Mr. Carey. Not that I'd ever think of him in that way.

"SIT DOWN AND GET YOUR TEXTBOOKS OUT!" her voice boomed across the classroom, making most people jump a little. Everyone did as she said and worked in complete silence, the silence that was broken by the door creaking open slightly. Dawn's face lit up as the door opened wider. 'Of course, it's Rob. That's why she's so happy.' Suddenly she became so nice and cheery with us all, which to be honest, is even worse than before.

"Hello, Mr. Carey!" she beamed. "What can we do for you?"

"I just need to pass this to Kate, she forgot it on her way out." he replied casually. My heart stopped for a few seconds and I was worried it wasn't going to kick in again. I looked over to Miss. Hardy whose face had dropped back to its ugly self.

"Fine," she mumbled and turned back round to the board. Sir brisked to my seat which was at the back, thankfully.

"Some brilliant work produced today, Kate. Great effort. You should be proud," he spoke just below a whisper, so only I could hear. I felt my face turning a little pink so I took the sheet off him so he'd leave. He gave me one last grin before walking back to the door.

"Oh, Rob. Is it okay if I have a quick word with you outside?" She smiled. I noticed him tense up a little, and his fists clench.

"What about your class?" he questioned.

"What about them? I mean- they're so lovely and well behaved. Of course, they'll be absolutely fine. This will only take a few seconds," she recovered and showed him out. 'Wow. I think Rob needs to go to specsavers if he actually likes that woman...'

Dawn walked back into the classroom a few minutes later looking even more naffed off than she did before, which of course made the smirk on my face even bigger. I looked at the work he had delivered to me that had words like 'excellent' and 'brilliant' scattered all over it in his red ballpoint pen. He really did believe in me and my writing.

It was soon break time, which I was really excited about because I could see my friends again. I hadn't seen much of them over the summer, but we kept in contact every day. As soon as the bell sounded, I dashed to the cafeteria to grab our favourite spot, to find my best friend Rosie already sat there. Her blonde hair bounced and her green eyes lit up as she jumped out of her chair. "KATE!" She yelled, making me laugh as I walked over and hugged her tight.

"Hello you," I laughed and sat opposite her. "Oh my gosh! How was Paris?" I asked excitedly.

"Amazing!" she squealed happily. She continued to tell me about all the boys she snogged while she was there. She's not one to sleep around or anything, but when she goes abroad she likes to make the most if it. That's where her and I are very different. I'd never even kissed a boy before. "So what are you doing tonight? It feels like a gazillion years since we last saw each other!" Rosie beamed.

"I know! Yeah I'm free tonight, let's do something!" I replied in delight.

"Woah-woah-woah," a voice behind me spoke. "What's all this about going out tonight. Why haven't I been invited?" I turned my head to see Jack and Ryan, by other two best friends. I jumped up and pulled them both into a big hug.

"I missed you guys!" I chirped. "Of course you're invited. To my house tonight!" I sat back down once Rosie had greeted them too. Ryan sat next to Rosie, and Jack took the seat next to me.

"Sounds good!" Ryan smiled happily, his emerald eyes twinkling. His hair soon grabbed my attention. His fringe was not combed back as it had previously been. It was now neatly swept across his forehead. It was much better.

"Nice cut," I complemented. He grinned wide, showing off his perfect teeth.

"Thank you," he beamed, seeming genuinely chuffed that I approved.

"What about me?" Jack started. "Notice anything new?" I turned and scanned his face, looking for differences. His hair was the same, very dark, and gelled back into a neat quiff. His eyes were still brown and teeth still perfect, just like Ryan's. It was only then I noticed something reflecting in the light.

"Oh, wow!" I smiled, looking at the small stud in his ear lobe. "So you finally got it pierced then!" He nodded in delight. I knew how much he wanted his ear pierced, but never got round to having it done.

We sat talking about our holidays for a short while but soon the bell echoed throughout the cafeteria, signalling our next lesson. We all sighed in unison. Break really flew by, but I was so excited to spending some time with them tonight. It was going to be a lot of fun.

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