part 2

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nai: okay they are at the food court hurry up
vinnie: stop rushing me it's my first day, y'all treat me so bad
nai: no we don't
nai: hi baes
destiny: hi gorgeous
priscilla: hi bae
kio: hi des
nai: no stop, vinnie this is destiny and priscilla
priscilla: hi
destiny: hi call me des
vinnie: hello
kio: okay let's separate, I go with des and you all go together
nai: you are so annoying

1 hour later...

vinnie: are you girls hungry?
both: yes
we were just eating and talking
vinnie: i'll be back
priscilla: you like him!
nai: girl- don't start I just met him
priscilla: girl shut up you know you like him
nai: I DONT
priscilla: stop lying to yourself self  I saw the way you were looking at him the whole time we were shopping your not slick
nai: you might be right but don't tell anyone, kio would kill me he doesn't want me dating any of his friends
priscilla: girl i'm not a snitch, but also don't make it so obvious
nai: okay shush his coming
vinnie: kio is at destiny's house what the fuck, we were here waiting for nothing, what do you guys wanna do now
nai: can we go get ice cream
vinnie: sure
vinnie then whisper to priscilla " help me, she treats me so bad"
nai: boy shut up I don't, I gave you a roof and I give you food and privacy
vinnie: stop you sound like my mom
nai: hopefully kio and destiny don't do the nasty because I will kill both of them
vinnie: why you care so much about them just let them be
nai: I act like this with them because kio doesn't let me date anymore of his friends and it's not fair
vinnie: oh

our uber finally got here so we went to go get ice cream

nai: i'm going to get strawberry
priscilla: i'm getting Nutella
vinnie: i'm getting caramel
we finally sit
nai: can I have some of yours?
vinnie: sure
I grab some of his ice cream and I put it in my bowl
vinnie: damn you took all my ice cream
nai: no I didn't you still have some
vinnie: SOME, whatever have it
nai: thank youu, i'll buy you starbucks tomorrow

After we ordered another uber and we went home, priscilla slept over so we went to go to sleep and vinnie was streaming he was so loud for what
nai: hey can you be quieter
vinnie: am I that loud
nai: yes you woke me up
vinnie: sorry, goodnight
nai: night
I went back to sleep

443 words

My brother's best friend-Vinnie hackerWhere stories live. Discover now