part 20

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( sorry my mistake, the last part u read when they were mad at each other  was chapter 28 idk how to bring that part down ykwim)

I got up early I don't know why but I just did I woke up in a good mood so I went to starbucks and got everyone a drink even desiree's mom I love her so much she's so sweet.

I was next in line to order, so I ordered the drinks and their was a boy behind me, let me tell you he was so cute but I tried my hardest to stop looking back.After I finished ordering the cashier told me how much the total was and the boy behind me started talking.

mystery boy: I'll pay for you
nai:no it's okay
mystery boy: i'll pay
nai:you really don't have to
mystery boy: I insist
He then payed for the drinks and I just stud there in silence because I didn't know what to say in that moment.

mystery boy: hi my name is alex
nai:hi my name is nailea
alex:yeah I kinda now you, we went on tour together we didn't talk
nai:oh yeah sorry we didn't talk
alex:yeah it's fine I understand
nai:I don't want to be rude but I got to go
alex:will I was just wondering if you'd want to be friends
nai:sure what's you're instagram
nai:okay bye

That was so awkward I didn't really know what to say.
I finally got home, I left the drinks in the kitchen and I went to my room


nai🤍: I bought y'all Starbucks it's in the the kitchen
pris😩:thanks bae
dess💓:thanks bae
desi👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩:thank you bae
kio👹:thanks SIS
vin👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨:thanks broski🥶🤍
nai🤍:no problem dawg 👹
dess💓:okay y'all can stop now

I was just laying next vinnie full of boredom until I got an idea

nai:let's have a photoshoot
vin:just us?


pris😩:omg yes
kio👹:i'm down

4 hours later..

we did the photoshoot and we went out to eat after we went home and just chilled and watched a movie.Desiree and priscilla we cuddling so as destiny and kio.I felt lonely because I was by myself laying down on the couch and vinnie was on the other side smiling at his phone.I kinda got jealous but I have to brush it off because we aren't even together

(naileadevora has posted)

          (naileadevora has posted)

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My brother's best friend-Vinnie hackerWhere stories live. Discover now