Part 13

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I woke up and I see vinnie still sleeping so I got an idea

* grabs blogging camera *

nai:hi guys it's me nailea devora I know i'm a shity ass youtube, i got to stop making you guys know i went on tour for a month and I haven't pranked vinnie so today i'm going to prank him as I should. so i'm going to do a period prank so I have fake blood here don't ask why, i'm going to pour it all over the sheets I got other sheets so it's fine. I gotta be care so I don't wake him up. okay i'm going to lay down next to him and fake cry. i'm a actor, if you're looking for a actor hire me ;)

I sit up on the bed and start crying
vinnie: what's wrong
nai: I have bad cramps
vinnie: i'll take care of you go take a warm shower i'll get you breakfast, AHHH okay okay vinnie relax relax.
I go back to the room and I see vinnie passed out I was not trying to laugh

nai: omg vinnie wake up wake up
vinnie:go shower i'll wash the sheets and i'll bring you a heating pad.
nai:aww so sweet, it's just a prank
vinnie: I hate you

vinnie then had the audacity to tackle me on the bed and tickle me
nai:vinnie stoppppp
vinnie:and you'll stop pranking me
nai: noooo
vinnie: then no
nai:vinnie pleaseee, or else i'm not going to talk to you
vinnie: okay
nai:okay that's the end of the video love you guys bye

nai:vinnie wanna go swimming priscilla invited us to her house
vinnie: sure
nai: let me just upload the video
1 hour later...

seba👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨:nailea wtf
seba👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨: i just saw your yt vid
nai🤍:okay... and
seba👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨:what do you mean "okay... and" WHY ARE YOU LAYING DOWN WITH HIM
nai🤍:chill, it was just for a yt video
seba👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨: so you're laying down and being with him behind me back?, I should've known
nai🤍: wtf relax we are just friends and I told you that on tour so chill tf out
seba👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨: wtv you're such a hoe
nai🤍: you know what this is over I had enough you're so controlling even on tour u didn't even let me talk to the boys they probably think I hate them
seba👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨:I don't give a fuck go with your vinnie, i cheated on you by the way
nai🤍: with...
seba👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨: you're best friend desiree
nai🤍: LMFAOOO you're funny asf
seba👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨:what's so funny
nai🤍: she dodged you she send me screenshots of you try to get at her
seba👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨: yeah wtv
nai🤍: try again love
seba👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨:wtv I cheated on you with emily
nai🤍:okay I believe you now because she'd get with anyone but I can carry less, nice talking to you bye

After that whole conversation with seba I let out a big sign

vinnie:what's wrong
nai:i broke up with sebastien
vinnie: are you okay
nai:yes i'm okay
vinnie:you sure
nai: no don't be i'm not upset or anything i'm totally fine i'm being honest, I could care less because i'm a bad bitch
vinnie: as you should, he lost the sweetest, prettiest girl in the world
nai:okay i'm going to go
get ready

         (tiktokroom has posted)

700k likes 400k comments  tiktokroom:Nailea and sebastien just broke up

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700k likes 400k comments
tiktokroom:Nailea and sebastien just broke up.what are you're thoughts on this? -sent in

desireemontoya:she didn't cheat she'd never cheat on anyone
user3973: damn she's such a hoe
user0828:she's for everyone
vinniehacker:it's so sad to see that everyone believes everything that goes around social media
ninniepage:yeah she cheated on him with vinnie
↪️naileadevora replied: vinnie and I are just close friends
naileadevora:I didn't cheat, when I went back to LA i stayed home all day, and he is assuming that I cheated on him because I was hanging out with vinnie and I told him on tour we were just friends
↪️kiocyr replied:nai isn't the type to cheat but happy that y'all are over I didn't like him at the start
(comment liked by naileadevora)
blesiv: this is a lie sebastien was so controlling on tour but I just didn't say anything about it because it's not my relationship

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nai:social media is so annoying they believe anything
vinnie:give me your phone
vinnie:just give me it
vinnie:i'm going to put it away so you don't focus on that negativity
nai:thank you for being here with me, I really appreciate it
vinnie: i'm always going to be here for you
we hugged
nai:let's go
12 minutes later
nai: hey baes
destiny: hey
priscilla: hey
nai:oh you're here who invited you
kio:rude but destiny invited me
nai:whatever ima tan

5 minutes later

I was just in joy myself I then feel someone carrying me I opened my eyes quickly

nai:vinnie put me downnn!!
nai:vinnie i'm going to kill you
vinnie: i don't care
nai:vinnie I swea-
I was now in the water
nai:I hate you so much
vinnie: no you don't

          (vinniehacker just posted)

1M likesvinniehacker: you're my dream girl🫂🤍

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vinniehacker: you're my dream girl🫂🤍


4 hours later

nai:vinnie i'm going to go home
vinnie: i'm going to go with you
destiny: ohhh * smirks *
destiny: okay okay
nai:bye baes
destiny: bye

12 minutes later

we finally got home and we went to sleep

My brother's best friend-Vinnie hackerWhere stories live. Discover now