Part 16

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I wake up to myself feeling like throwing up, I quickly ran to the bathroom then I start throwing up.I then hear vinnie coming he holds my hair and rubs my back.Omg I love this boy so much but we can't be together.After I finished I brushed my teeth and went downstairs to eat breakfast.

nai: did we fuck
vinnie: no, you were so drunk so I brought you home
nai: oh
priscilla: good morning
nai:you're here?
priscilla: yes we both took care of you, you threw up on yourself so I changed you in your pajamas
nai:thank you guys, y'all are really ones
vinnie:Do you remember anything that happened last night?
priscilla: oh well I gotta go bye guys
nai:so what are we doing today
vinnie:i'm going to take you out for dinner tonight but for right now let's go shopping
nai:okay i'm going to get ready
1 hour later...

       (naileadevora just posted)

1M likes 700k comments naileadevora:🖤

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ninniefanpage:my mother 😩
↪️naileadevora replied:Can I adopt u?
↪️ninniefanpage replied: omg yes
↪️naileadevora replied:I'm going to need you're birth certificate and you're parents agreement
priscillahazel:so hot👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩
↪️naileadevora replied: likewise 😩
desireemontoya:vinnie back off she's mine 🙄😩👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩
↪️naileadevora replied: looks like u got competition👩🏻‍🦯
kairicosentino:you snapped 😍, as you should 😩🙌🏻
(comment liked by naileadevora)
vinniehacker:my queen😍
↪️naileadevora replied: bestie I think you commented on the wrong post🚶🏻‍♀️
↪️vinniehacker replied: oh yeah I meant to comment that on my mom's post
↪️naileadevora replied: you're mom is a queen😩, ms hacker I love you thank you for having Vincent😀
↪️user3973 replied: LMFAOOO 😭
↪️user2937 replied : I love there friendship 😂
mattiapolibio:so fine😍

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we got to the mall and we were just walking around and went into stores, until I felt like someone kept looking at I looked back and see these boys looking at me up and down and then they came up to vinnie and I

?:hi aren't you nailea
nai:yeah and you are
?:oh my name is kairi, do you not remember me from yesterday at the party
nai:no sorry
kairi: well I was wondering if you wanted to be friends you're really funny
nai: sure
kai:These are my friends Mattia, Alejandro, Alvaro and Robert
nai: hi nice to meet you guys i'm nailea
ale:yeah we know you're all over tiktokroom
alvaro:so are you guys a thing
nai:no, we are just friends
vinnie: will it was nice meeting you guys but we got to go, bye
nai: bye

we finally got home and I changed into something better

1 hour later...

I finally finished getting ready so I went downstairs so we could leave.when we arrived we got out of the car and I see hollywood fix run to us

fletcher:are the rumors true that you and vinnie are together
nai:no we are just close friends
vinnie: guys please move you guys are popping her bubble
fletcher: sorry, so what was it true sebastien was so controlling and he cheated
vinnie: I'd like if you guys can take a step back you guys are invading her personal space
nai:I don't want to talk about it

we finally entered the restaurant and we sat in at our table

nai:thank you for what you did back there
vinnie:no problem

we just ate and talked about anything.After we got back home and we were watching a movie

                       my girls 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩
desi👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩:are you guys down to start a content house
cilla🤠💓:i'm down
dess💝:WAIT, you're moving to LA?
desi👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩: kind of
cilla🤠💓: what do you mean by "kind of"
desi👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩:my mom is going to stay with me in LA like we are going to live at the content house but we are also going to go to Texas
cilla🤠💓: oh
nai🤍:so when
dess💝: so when
desi👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩: this weekend?
(in the story it's Thursday)
cilla🤠💓: ^
desi👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩: each of you guys can pick one person to move in with us
nai🤍: I choose vinnie😩
cilla🤠💓: i'm fine
nai🤍: let me pretend I didn't see that 👩🏻‍🦯

nai:i'm going to bed i'm tired
nai:might as will make you're room the guest room you barely even go in there
vinnie: and we can share a room
nai:that's technically what's been happening these past few months, goodnight
vinnie: goodnight

         (vinniehacker has posted)

1M likes  800k comments vinniehacker:😉

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(comment liked by billnai)
↪️user85 replied:nailea like you're comment😳
↪️user3972 replied: go get your man nai😩
↪️user6262 replied: caught her at 4k 📸
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(comment liked by vinniehacker)
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500k likes billnai: why did y'all rant me out like that🙄

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billnai: why did y'all rant me out like that🙄


My brother's best friend-Vinnie hackerWhere stories live. Discover now