part 44

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I woke up early to get his things out of my room and back to his.I hate myself I forgive people easily then I get hurt again.Thank god he isn't here.

20 minutes later...

I finished taking his things out.I went downstairs to make breakfast after I got ready and I went to kairi's house.

kai:are you looking for maiya?
kai:she's at gymnastics she's be back in 15 minutes but we can hang out for a bit
nai:yeah sure

We went to his room and just laying down looking at the ceiling because there wasn't anything to do he was just playing

kai:what's wrong
kai:stop lying to me I know something wrong you never act like this
nai:fine so yesterday I planned a day just for vinnie and we were having a good time until we went home and we were streaming together after we finished streaming he said he had to go somewhere and that he'll be back soon so I just took a nap and he still wasn't back I went on instagram and saw that I kept getting tagged on a post so I clicked it and saw the pick of him with emily I was so heartbroken because he left me to hang out with her.I guess he's still with her he hasn't came home yet
kai:damn that's so fucked up so what are you going to do when he comes back
nai:i'm going to confront him, well i'm going to go maiya is here
kai:no she isn't
nai:yes she is I could hear here downstairs
kai:oh okay bye

2 hour later...

I came back home and just stayed in my room watching netflix

iMessages: kai⛄️
dude go on tiktokroom
opened at 1:13 pm

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2,000,000 likes 1,000,000 comments liked my mygfnai and 1,999,999 others@tiktokroom:nailea spoke about the situation between her and vinnie -sent it

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2,000,000 likes 1,000,000 comments
liked my mygfnai and 1,999,999 others
@tiktokroom:nailea spoke about the situation between her and vinnie -sent it

user3:poor nai:(
kairicosentino:yo take this shit down I fucking forgot I was streaming, @naileadevora i'm sorry:(
↪️naileadevora replied: it's okay
user937:take this shit down y'all are gonna make her more upset
user643:she deserves someone better

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I got so upset now this is gonna be a big problem

5 minutes later...

someone opened the door yup it is vinnie

vin:hi beautiful

I just said looks at my phone

vin:you okay
nai: i guess
vin:what's wrong
nai:you really ditched me yesterday to hangout with emily
vin:i thought i was going to stay with her for a bit
nai:why did you even go
vin::she said she felt lonely and she had no one to Comfort her
nai:then what is this

I showed him the pick

vin:what the fuck I don't remember taking this
nai:what do you mean you don't remember
vin:yeah I don't remember what happened I just remember I walked in the house and I saw her crying and she offered me water and I drank it
nai:she drugged you she put drugs in the water
vin:nai i'm sorry for leaving you
nai:I can forgive you but I can't forget
vin:let's just start all over and act like this never happened i'll drop my friendship with her to
nai:no sorry vinnie I can't I don't want to get my heartbroken again I really believed you when you said you loved me those are probably just words that don't mean anything to you
vin:when I tell you I love you I really mean it you have my whole heart, I fucking love you nailea
nai:I love you too but I just can't I don't want to get my heartbroken sorry I just want to stay as friends
vin:if that's what you really want i'll respect that

My brother's best friend-Vinnie hackerWhere stories live. Discover now