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TW: guns, blood

Maggie's POV:

The drive was long and quiet. The only thing you could hear were heavy whispers and guns being loaded. I could tell that they weren't happy that I was coming, but I didn't care. I had to see, or at least be near them in case they found Pap, or at least found out news as to what happened to him.

They told me the plan when we left. They would set a fire at a place they called the "tennis court", also known as a safe zone or no man's land. Apparently it's some place off the beaten track. This signals that they need to meet up. Somehow (they didn't care to explain this part very much, but I feel like it has something to do with cameras) the Riders will get word that a fire was started. Then once both sides are present, it all starts. Usually they are peaceful, but they told me that they weren't bringing guns just for fun.

Sometimes the meetings get out of hand. They need them for protection. I didn't care for that part very much, but alas, here I am going with The Angels to the people that want me dead. No biggie.

The closer we get, the more weary I am about this whole thing. They could get hurt, or worse. I can't believe that this is what my life had turned into in less than a day. I haven't slept since last night, I'm not in my apartment, and I now live in a bunker, working, but from a distance.

"Were here." John says, interrupting my thoughts. Harry turns to me.

"Stay here. Whatever happens, stay in this car. Do not get out for any reason. They can't know you're here, Maggie." he stresses.

I give him a nod and give all of them my good lucks, holding in my nerves the best that I can. They get out and start walking down a path, guns at the ready. Soon enough they disappear into the dark, leaving me alone in the SUV. All I can do now is wait for them to get back, hopefully in one piece.

It wasn't long before I saw an auburn flame growing in the distance. I saw figures, but not actual people. I could tell the Riders weren't there yet, but the Angels, they were ready. They stood there, armed, focused, and if you didn't know them, intimidating. I could make out who Harry was just by his stance. It was like he was a different person in this position.

A few moments later the tension in the air noticeably thickens. I look carefully out the window to see another set of figures coming towards the fire from the opposite direction. As soon as they arrive, the light goes out. Somehow, the fire is almost immediately put out, leaving me with nothing but darkness and uncertainty.

Suddenly I heard something I was hoping to avoid. The loud shock startles me as it causes my ears to ring. A gunshot. I wanted to run out to them, help them in any way I could, but before I could get out of the car I saw them running back towards the SUV. No one appears to be hurt, which is a blessing, but what in the world was the shot from.

They climb into the SUV and don't even bother with seat belts before pulling back onto the main road back to the bunker.

"Are you guys alright?" I ask, mainly directed towards Harry.

"They just couldn't give up the opportunity to try to kill me." he says pointing to his arm. It was just barely grazed by a bullet. It was just a minor injury, but something that would need attending to.

"I thought it was a safe zone?" I question him, referring to the tennis court.

"Apparently it isn't anymore. Guess they just aren't having enough fun with this whole 'let's kill Harry and his friends' thing. We can't go back there." Tate explains.

"Oh." I say, messing with my hands. It's not a good time to ask right now, so I don't. But I guess my mind and my facial expressions were on two different sets of plans.

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