Regulus (Stay The Course)

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Somewhere, even in the deepest dark,
There will be hope.
Whether that's the one distant star,
The one flower somehow not dying in the cold,
Or the burning heart that keeps the human mind alive.
And it is our duty to find these hopes,
Cause we must stay the course,
To find what's at the end of this mysterious, winding, and sometimes dark road known as life.

We did not choose this world,
A strange turquoise water rock in the middle of a crushing black,
And sometimes it seems so dark it's been dubbed the nocturnal planet,
Where demons exist at every turn,
Darkness will seem to rule,
And nothing is certain.
Often those demons are, disturbingly, of the human condition itself,
As part of the price of life on this world,
We have had to pay the price of imperfection.
But if there's one thing humans are good at,
That's sticking around, even when things are against them, or will result in their destruction.

Humans are irrational, messy, and will fight till the end.
And that may be one of our greatest strengths,
Cause even when sometimes living seems illogical or incomprehensible,
In a world full of both external monsters, and the internal demons of our own design,
We are the flowers that will seemingly never die,
The distant stars that will fight until the end,
Cause even on a world other races may call cursed,
We've found a place to call home,
A place to finally sit down and watch the night sky and the universe go by,
A place to live, a place to love, and a place to be.

If the world seems dark,
Just look out to the world,
And just think, how amazing it was,
To have a world of just the perfect proportions of stuff to create us,
A flawed, messed up and sometimes outright evil species,
That yet still loves and creates so much good.
We aren't all good, but we aren't all bad either.
There will be sunrises after darkness, there will be always new stuff to discover, the thrill of adventure,
There will always be lessons to learn, and new chances to get things right,
So that's why, in the end, even though life is hard,
It is worth doing, because ultimately,
We must stay the course, learn our lessons, find the good and bad,
To find out what's at the end, and what our place is in this world.
If you find meaning, or if you don't,
In this strange meaning of life,
All I ask is for you to be kind, never give up,
And know life is better then you think.

('Sometimes, even living is an act of courage.' Seneca the Younger/'One of the basic rules of the universe is that nothing is perfect. Without imperfection, neither you or I would exist.' Stephen Hawking)

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