The second attempt

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A/N contains lemons (yep, they're doing it're welcome)

Lusts POV
I slowly opened my eyes and saw two arms around my waist, holding me close, after I felt breathing on my neck my first instinct was to panic, but I let out a sigh of relief after I heard horror quietly snoring, I turned round and looked at him, I smiled when I saw him drooling into his pillow, I started to admire him while he slept, how he always looked so peaceful, how he'd always drool in his sleep, how he always tried to not snore too loud, he was so adorable.

"I see you're interested in my face" He muttered, I turned bright purple after he opened his eyes "y-you were awake the whole time?!" He didn't even try to hold in his laughter, after I moved away slightly he let out a bark-like laughter as I pulled my hood up to cover my face, he wiped a tear from his eye with his finger "hahaha oh you should' should've seen your face! Hahaha!" I crossed my arms and puffed out my cheeks "stop it! I-it's not funny!"

Soon after he calmed down I uncovered my face "awww don't pout, I love your smile~" I looked at horror and I saw him stroking my hand, I couldn't help but smile, but then he slowly moved his hand up my arm and kissed my neck "um...h-horror...what are you-ahhhh~"

I moaned as he bit down on my neck and began to nibble "ahh~ h-horror...wait" I tried to gently move away from him, but his arm was wrapped around me, I started to get nervous "horror p-please stop I don't-" I started pushing him, but horror wasn't playing around, he pinned me down on the bed, I started to panic, "horror a-are you okay?!" I shivered when he stared into my eyes, breathing heavily, he moved his hand under my shirt "h-horror stop it, y-you're scaring me!" After I managed to break free I moved away from him but he grabbed my thigh, he gave me a puzzled look.

"Wait...isn't this what you're meant to do in relationships?" I moved his hand from my leg "well, yes but not all the time" his face turned bright red, almost blending in with his eye, he quickly moved to the other end of the bed "I-I'm sorry, I only learnt from what I saw when I used to accidentally walk in on my old boss and his boyfriend doing it." I let my guard down slightly  "...were they naked, in bed and extremely embarrassed when you walked in?" "Yes, yes, and nightmare was more furious than embarrassed" I giggled to myself, it looked like I was gonna have to teach him.

I sat closer to him "horror, sex is when you and your partner want to 'get physical' and if it goes well, it's the best feeling in the world! And you only do it if you and your partner is ready, or some people choose not to do it at all, but sometimes you get what's called 'being in heat' it's when you can't control your desires, as you saw with me" we both blushed after remembering what happened. "The only way to calm it down is to have sex with another person, and because lust it literally in my name I have to do it a lot, otherwise I get...forceful, thankfully I've managed to control it, but it still happens."

After that long and somewhat embarrassing lecture, he looked at me with a nervous expression on his face while scratching he back of his skull "well...c-can it again?"

I turned purple, horror looked at me with a gentle smile "y-you...want to do it...a-again?!" Horror nodded and held my hand "well...y-yeah" he smiled at me, his cheeks went red, I pointed at myself "W-with me?", he chuckled "heh, I wouldn't choose anyone who wasn't you~" I started to blush at his compliment "...well...I g-guess....yeah, alright. Do you remember anything from last time?" He sat close to me and took off his clothes "Yep, and..." he pinned me to the bed again "I think I know what to do this time~" he whispered seductively as he removed my clothes.


Third person POV
Lust felt his pelvis heat up as horror got even closer and started to lick his neck, lust moaned quietly, but it got louder after horror started to nibble at his collarbone, "a-ahh~" lust moaned as he felt horrors finger move down his spine "ahh~ aaAAHhh~ ohhh horror~" horror started to get the hang of it, lust occasionally stepped in and told horror where to go. Lust quickly took off his boots and tights so horror could have all of him, and horror wanted it badly.

As horror left hickeys on lusts ribs, lust leaned down and gently blew into the hole in horrors skull "a-aaAAAHHhh~" horror moaned loudly and went limp, "t-that felt so goood" lust started to stick his tongue inside it, horrors moaning got louder as he started to touch his own pelvis "ahh~ a-ahh~ o-ooh fffuck~"

Lust climbed on top of horror and moved his fingers around his thighs while biting his pelvis, horrors panting got shaky as he started to sweat, his body got hotter. But not to be outdone, horror climbed back on top of lust and pinned him down, he stared at his blushing face as he started to grind his pelvis into lusts, "ahh~ a-ahhh~ aaAAHHhhh~ o-ohhh myyy~" "nghh~ ahh~ r-right there~ ahhh~ AAHhh~" they could both feel their souls beating out of their chests.

"I-I think they're ready~" horror summoned his soul and swapped it with lusts, their souls were shaking and practically dripping with sweat, they started to touch each other's souls, they moaned loudly, without having to worry about Dave catching them, horror started to drool as lust licked his soul with his bright purple tongue, slowly moving on his soul, horror stuck his finger in lusts soul, remembering how much he loved it last time "ahhh~ y-yes~ haaarder~"

Horror quickly grabbed his soul from lusts grip and rubbed their souls together. "A-ahhh~ f-faster~" lust closed his eyes and arched his back as horror vigorously rubbed their souls lusts soul started to expand and got bigger as a purple substance started dripping out, he let out one last moan as his soul released over the bed, however horror wasn't done.

Lust grabbed horrors soul again and stuck his tongue inside of it, horror fell on his back and stuck his pelvis in the air "ahhh~ ffuck~ ahhh~ g-go harder~" lust began to stick his finger inside of it and push it in and out, gradually getting faster and faster, "ahh~ nghh~ ohh~ ahhh~ AHhh~ aaAAHHhhh~ c-c'mon a-almost~....t-THEEEEEERE!" Horror screwed his eyes shut and gritted his teeth as he felt something in his soul that was about to burst, his soul practically exploded as it released in lusts hand, lust stuck his mouth in and drank the remaining substance dripping out.

Horror flopped down and laid beside lust as their breathing calmed down. "Fuck...t-that was s-so good" " was" horror blindly placed his hand on lusts shoulder "y'know I love fucking much" lusts face started to form into a smile.

"Heh...I love you to" lust gradually got sleepier as he snuggled up against horror, lust kissed him on the cheek and fell asleep.

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