The suspicion

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Horrors POV
As I opened my eyes I felt my arm grabbing something, as my vision got clearer I realised it was lust, my face started to heat up as he squirmed around in his sleep, he turned round and wrapped his arms around me, like he didn't want me to go, my face went red when I saw my clothes carelessly dumped in the corner, I looked at myself, I was completely naked and I had hickeys all around my neck and shoulders. I took a glance at the clock, 9am. "Shit, lust, lust wake up" I nudged him, he buried his face into the pillow "five more minutes" I lifted his head up "no you're late for work, if Dave finds us like this he's gonna be pissed" he rubbed his eye "ngh what the, where am I-..." lust turned purple when he realised where he was, he sprung up out of my bed and quickly got his clothes on, he looked like a mess. "Bye!" He said while limping his way up the ladder. I laid back down and continued to stare at the ceiling, processing what the fuck happened last night.

I began to blush when the events from last night replayed in my head, "ugh, what's wrong with me, ever since we became friends I've had this weird feeling in my stomach, and I get it whenever I see him. Am I sick?!" I went onto the computer to see if I could find out what's wrong with me. I read the text out loud "hm apparently if you experience any of the following; chest pain, rapid heart beat, sweating, shaking, stuttering, warm cheeks or lewd thoughts, and if you get those feelings when only around a certain person then it is a sign that you're...I-in love?!" I practically had a heart attack at the last part, love? Pathetic, I can't be in love with him, I would never be his type, and he sure as shit won't accept me if he finds out about my past.

Lusts POV
As I walked around looking for something to clean, I couldn't stop thinking about what happened, and how horror was willing to help me with soothing my desires, I felt my cheeks heat up and my face turn purple after the event replayed in my head. I tried to calm myself down so Dave didn't get suspicious, but I still had trouble moving because of this pain in my pelvis. "Ngh fuck" I spoke under my breath as I bent down to pick something up, but after looking at my hand I realised something.

I left my glove in horrors room.

Horrors POV
I attempted to get up from the chair but a sharp pain shot up my pelvis as I stood up, "ah! Fuck!" My legs gave up and I fell onto the floor. As I lifted my head off the floor I noticed lusts black fingerless glove on the floor, my eyes widened "oh shit, if Dave sees this I'm fucked" I looked around the room for anything I could use to hide it, but as I walked around this pain in my pelvis made me fall over again and scream in pain. Everything went quiet, I heard footsteps approaching my door, I quickly scrambled into my bed as soon as they walked in.

"What the fuck are you doing?!" Dave whisper shouted as I lifted myself up while hiding the glove behind my back. "I um w-was just a-a bad dream" he looked at me unconvinced "what are you holding behind your back?" I tensed up. I'm fucked. "Umm it's n-nothing" "oh really, then you'll have no problem showing it to me" I hesitantly showed him my hand. "You must think I'm stupid don't you. Now the other hand smartass" I threw the glove in the air so it landed in my hood and showed him my other hand, he stared at me, I started to sweat as I put on my most convincing smile. "...alright I believe you, but stop making so much noise, I can hear it from downstairs" he locked the door again and I let out a loud sigh of relief, "that was too close" I muttered as I started to fall asleep "...too close" I just hope lusts hickeys are out of sight.

Daves POV
Okay I am certain there is something going on with him, after I left horrors room I pulled out my phone and called one of my henchmen.



"Sup Dave."

"Yeah whatever, listen can you activate the magic restraint horror ?"

"Um are you sure? Last time I went into his room to do it I barely made it out in one piece"

"Look this is important, I think horror is up to something"

"Ugh, fine but you have to raise my paycheque"

I groaned loudly


"Great! I'll let you know when it's ready"

I hung up and went back to reception to continue my work, as I watched the liam vacuum the floor I noticed small bruises on his neck, at first I assumed he got caught by one of my guards but I noticed that they were too red to be bruises, almost as if they were...hickeys? Now I'm suspicious.

Lusts POV
While I was working I noticed Dave staring at me, it started to get creepy. "Um w-why are you staring at me?" He stood up, I started to get worried "it's nothin' just wondering where you got those hickeys" I quickly pulled my hood up to hide my hickeys and blush on my cheeks "umm I-it's nothing!" "Tch alright...wait a minute" "oh no" I whispered to myself as he stood up and got closer to me "Why are you blushing?" Shit, he's gonna find out! I started to shake "I" I slowly backed away "who did this?" "Um I-I can't t-tell you" I flinched as my back hit the wall. "Why?" "'s none of your business!"

I ran away and locked myself in room. But Dave opened it back up he power walked in, I backed up against the wall "what the fuck has gotten into you?!" "I-I-it's nothing, honest!" He grabbed me by the neck "tell me who did this" my breathing started to shorten, but I didn't wanna betray horror "...n....n-no" I said meekly "I'm sorry?" "N-no." I said it a little louder, he let go of my neck, I fell onto my knees and coughed uncontrollably, "...fine" he opened the door and motioned me to walk through, but as I walked out I was suddenly grabbed from behind and yanked back in, my mouth and nose was muffled with a cloth, I tried to scream for help but that made it worse, I felt my body go limp and I blacked out. This has happened too many times.

Daves POV
After he fell lifelessly onto the floor I pulled out my phone again. "Hello again...yeah I'm actually gonna need two...for the cleaner"

Troubled pasts (a Horrorlust story)Where stories live. Discover now