The new home

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Lusts POV
We arrived, as I stood outside my apartment building, all the memories came flooding back, all the memories of me taking home loads of random different people and then never seeing them again, sometimes coming home happy, sad, angry, alone, with blue, with fell, and even though some of the memories were not too long ago, it felt like I hadn't seen my home in years. "LuSt C'mOn" we walked inside the lobby, it looked exactly the same from how I remembered it.

"HoW tHe FuCk ArE wE gOnNa GeT uP?" Error questioned while pointing at the stairs, which were completely blocked up by debris. "Yeah, we tried removing it, but it's like a never ending pile, I usually just take the elevator"

I walked over to the elevator and pressed a button "c'mon in" after I stepped inside, error squeezed himself and the computer inside of the elevator, I was crushed up against a corner, but I also realised that my face was inches away from errors, our eyes widened after we saw the position we were in, we tried to get out but it was too late, the doors closed, we stared at each other, and said nothing, our blush slowly got brighter, the lights occasionally flickered.

After a long and awkward elevator ride, the doors opened again, error leaped out and tried to calm down his blush "I-I'm sorry, I probably should've said that the elevator was small-" he put down the computer and grabbed my shoulders, he looked into my eyes with a cold stare "eek! W-what are you doing?!" He stared right into my soul "LoOk...ThIs NeVeR hApPeNeD...aLrIgHt?" I nodded rapidly.

After that awkward moment, I walked over to the door of my apartment, but I saw piece of paper on the door. "...oh shit"

It was an eviction notice from a few days after the incident. I used my key to open the door, but all my old stuff was gone.

"Error, we have a problem" he walked over and saw the piece of paper, error groaned and kicked the wall with anger, and mumbling curse words while rubbing his foot.

"I gUeSs wE'vE gOtTa Go To My HoUsE" I looked at error quizzically "wait you have a house?" He scoffed "WhAt, JuSt BeCaUsE i WaS a MuRdErEr AnD pArT oF a FaMiLy Of MaNiAcS yOu ThInK i DiDn'T hAvE a PlAn InCaSe It WeNt DoWn ThE dRaIn?" I shook my head "WeLl YoU'rE wRoNg, C'mOn"

I gently grabbed errors shoulder and then I was standing in front of a decently sized house, error unlocked the door and walked inside, I soon followed.

Third person POV
Error placed the computer on a coffee table in the living room, while wiping some sweat of his skull "FeLl FrEe To LoOk ArOuNd"

Lust looked around while error set up the computer, errors house was way more nicer than lust thought, it was way better than his, all of the rooms looked professionally made, and were all neat and tidy, which contrasted to lusts old, box-like and cramped up apartment, he listened to his heels echo as he stepped on the glossy wooden floor.

"Wow, this place is amazing" error chuckled in response "ThAnKs, AfTeR nIgHtMaReS LiTtLe GrOuP sTaRtEd tO fAlL aPaRt, i FoUnD tHiS hOuSe FoR sAlE, i ThAnKfUlLy MaNaGeD tO sCrApE tOgEtHeR eNoUgH mOnEy To BuY It. I WaS gOnNa MoVe HeRe WiTh HoRrOr BeCaUsE We PrOmIsEd To StIcK tOgEtHeR...BuT sOmEtHiNg HaPpEnEd" lust sat on the sofa with him "yeah, I know" "WaIt, He ToLd YoU?" Lust nodded.

"WoAh...ThAt MuSt MeAn He ReAlLy LoVeS yOu"

Lust turned purple in response "...W-what?" Error giggled at lusts flustered face "ThAt Is HoRrOrS bIgGeSt SeCrEt, AnD hE hAsN't ToLd AnYoNe, So YoU hAvE a SpEcIaL pLaCe iN hIs HeArT" lust smiled, horror must've really loved him

After the computer booted up, error hacked his way into the computer "C'mOn ThErEs BoUnD tO bE sOmEtHiNg In HeRe" error muttered to himself as he looked around horrors computer "he had a bunch of videos in his files" lust pointed towards the 'debtors' folder.

Error sat through every single video with a bored expression, while lust covered his eyes whenever horror killed someone "HeH, cAn'T hAnDlE a LiTtLe BiT oF bLoOd?" Error asked teasingly, causing lust to pout.

After a long day of watching hundreds of videos of people getting murdered in various ways, error had finally finished watching the videos, he buried his face in his hands "UgH, tHeRe'S oNlY oNe ViDeO wHeN hE wAs FoRcEd To KiLl SoMeOnE" error groaned "well, it's a start" lust said, beginning to slowly uncover his eyes "DoN't WoRrY, yOu CaN lOoK nOw" lust removed his hands.

"So, what are we gonna do?" Error shrugged his shoulders "I...I dOn'T kNoW lUsT. I dOn'T tHiNk AnYoNe wIlL bE sTuPiD eNoUgH tO bIlEvE oUr DeFeNcE" error started to think to himself, his face lit up when he came up with an idea.

"ThAt'S iT! StUpId!" Error shouted, startling lust "what do you mean?" Error turned towards lust and grabbed his shoulders.

"LuSt, If We CaN cOnViNcE tHe CoUrT tHaT hOrRoR iS jUsT a DeNsE, gUlLiBlE, mIsUnDeRsToOd aNd ThIck-SkUlLeD mOrOn, ThEn We MiGhT hAvE a ChAnCe At SaViNg hIm!"

Lust was in shock, the fact that horror was actually really stupid had completely slipped his mind. "I....oh my god y-you're right! But what about when he was in your group?" "WeLl, TwO bIrDs WiTh OnE sToNe, AnD yOu'Ve GoT mE aS a WiTnEsS" lust couldn't believe it, maybe there was a chance that his lover could be saved "oh my god error! You're a genius! Thank you!"

Lust leaned in to hug error, but quickly stopped, remembering his haphephobia, error realised what he was doing "...FiNe, Go AhEaD" lust wrapped his arms around error and buried his face into his shoulder, after error calmed down he hesitantly started stroking lusts head, not knowing what to do "Um...a-AlRiGhT tHaT's EnOuGh" error said before shoving lust off.

"WaIt, If YoU'vE bEeN eViCtEd, WhErE hAvE yOu BeEn SlEePiNg SiNcE yOuR wOrKpLaCe BuRnT dOwN?" Lust brushed off errors question "It's okay, I've been sleeping at different hotels" error didn't want to admit it, but he started feeling sympathetic for this poor skeleton, having to constantly move from one hotel to another, nobody should live like that.

"ArE yOu SuRe YoU dOn'T wAnNa StAy HeRe?" Errors eyes widened after he realised what he just said, lust was equally shocked.

"Oh...r-really? You'd do that for me? W-what about if you have guests?" Error scoffed in response "NaH, i DoN't HaVe aNy GuEsTs, ThE nEiGhBoUrS hAtE mE...aNd EvErYoNe ElSe HaVe GoNe ThEiR sEpErAtE wAyS" error looked sad when he mentioned his old friends "do you miss them?"

Errors POV
His question admittedly had caught me off guard, lust sure was observant "...SoMeTiMeS" lust sat a little closer, refraining from touching me "don't worry, I miss my old friends to" I couldn't help but smile, I didn't know why I treated him like I did before, he really knew how to make someone happy. "Y'kNoW, yOu ReAlLy KnOw HoW tO iMpRoVe SoMeOnEs DaY" he blushed at my compliment "o-oh um...thanks....nobody's e-ever really said that to me before" we both stared at the ground, thinking of ways to break the silence.

"WeLl, It'S gEtTiNg LaTe, I'm GoNnA gO sLeEp" I stood up "oh okay, I'll sleep here" I blindly waved at him as I walked upstairs.

After I put on my favourite silk black pyjamas, I sat down on my bed, I glanced over at the framed photo of us on my bedside table, I grabbed it and held it in my hands "...MaN....i SuRe MiSs ThOsE gUyS" as I stared at the photo, all of the memories started to play in my head, all the good times we had, I put it back on the table and quickly dozed off.

Troubled pasts (a Horrorlust story)Where stories live. Discover now