Chapter 4

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Meredith woke up to her alarm blaring, she hadn't even felt like she had slept any. She heard commotion coming from downstairs and knew Cristina was up. She managed to climb out of bed, her whole body was sore from being on her feet for the better part of two days straight. She threw on some clothes and pulled her hair back, not feeling like even showering.

"Morning, you ready to go at it big shot?" Cristina smirked as she shoved coffee at Meredith.

"Please don't call me that," Meredith shook her head.

"You got in on a brain surgery your first day. You diagnosed a patient that no one else had answers for. If that isn't Ellis Grey, I don't know what is," Cristina said with a chuckle.

"Please don't ever say that again. It was pure luck and you helped to," Meredith replied, holding on to the coffee like it was a drug.

"How was it?" She asked.

"Like I had done drugs. It was such a high, the feeling of it all just kept me going. I've never had that feeling and I know why my mother loved it so much," Meredith said.

"It always feels that way. Man when I'm holding a heart in my hands, I just feel this rush. You will know when you found your specialty," Cristina said as she lead them to her car.

"Seeing that girls brain, it just brought this tingly feeling to my stomach. I might be a brain girl," Meredith shrugged, "oh and did I tell you that my sister is an intern?"

"You have a sister?" Cristina questioned.

"I told you about her. We went to high school with her, she was that girl with the photographic memory," Meredith reminded her.

"Oh shit! She's number 2, my intern," Cristina laughed maliciously.

"Wait, you number your interns?" Meredith chuckled light at her twisted friend.

"I don't have time for names," she shrugged.

"How do you not remember that?" Meredith chuckled.

"I don't pay attention to other people, you know this. If it doesn't have a medical relation, I don't care," Cristina said bluntly.

"Yeah, yeah," Meredith just shook her head.

"What are we going to do with that spare bedroom?" Cristina asked.

"I don't know, I was thinking of renting it," Meredith shrugged.

"I'll ask a few residents," Cristina said.

"One of the interns I work with was asking if I knew of any places. I thought about offering it to him," Meredith said.

"Please tell me it's not Bambi," Cristina groaned.


"The weird one, with the hair and is in love with you."

"George? No. His name is Alex Karev. He's pretty chill, very cocky. They say keep your friends close but your enemies closer," Meredith shrugged as she got out of the car as Cristina parked it.

"Don't think I know him. I don't care, it's your house," Cristina said as the two walked in together. Meredith saw him immediately, standing at the nurses station with Mark Sloan. His eyes immediately met with hers, a small smile grew on his face.

"You ever going to tell me what the deal is with you two?" Cristina asked, pulling Meredith's attention.


"You and Shepherd. He asked you to get in on his surgery. He has always been an egotistical ass who never let interns in on his surgery. You show up for one day and he's got you on his service."

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