Chapter 2

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Reese Sirion aka Hari Potter stepped off the airplane and found her way over to the baggage claim. She found her two large suitcases and loaded them on a trolley. Next, she dodged the pedestrians in the Seattle-Tacoma International Airport and made her way to the car rental kiosk.

Her solicitor had contacted the branch office in Seattle. They had bought her a decked out Hummer. They had paid the car rental kiosk handsomely to hold her Hummer here for her to pick up.

"Hi," she smiled at the clerk. "Reese Sirion, you are holding my vehicle for me."

"You're awfully young. We don't rent vehicles to anyone under twenty-five."

Reese stared at her. "Then it's a good thing I'm not renting. I've come from England and my solicitor here in America dropped a vehicle off yesterday, I believe, for your company to hold the keys until I arrived."

"You're him? I mean her? I mean..." Flustered, the clerk tapped at her keyboard. "Yes Ms. Sirion. One moment, I'll get you the keys."

The clerk went into an office and retrieved a set of keys from a locked box on the wall. She brought them out and after checking Reese's identification handed her the keys. "Sorry about that. The Hummer is just outside those doors. You'll walk straight to the first intersection and take a left. It's a dark green."

"No worries. Thank you."

"No problem. And I have to say I love your accent."

Reese grinned. "Thanks. I like yours as well."

The clerk frowned. "I don't have one."

"To me you do."

The clerk laughed. "I suppose so. Well, enjoy your stay."

Reese waved and pushed her trolley through the doors and down the row hunting for her car. She wondered if it would have been this easy if they realized she was just sixteen. Her identification said she was twenty-two and from Reading, England.

She settled into the Hummer. Reminding herself to drive on the right side of the road, she set off on the four hour drive to her new home.

She hadn't had to worry about transporting a lot since she didn't have a lot. One of her suitcases was actually her transfigured trunk. Hedwig had started the journey two days ago after steadfastly refusing to be ported over with a sharp clack of her beak.

She found the disc the American branch solicitor had left under a disillusionment spell under the visor and popped into the player as she eased out onto the road with a grin.

Ms. Sirion,

Welcome to Washington. We have procured fifty acres in the forest around Forks, Washington. It's a small town of less than three thousand. The map enclosed in the glove box will give you explicit directions to your new home.

We have informed the local sheriff that you quite reclusive so there should be no issues arising. We inferred that you enjoy learning many different things and are financially able to indulge in this idiosyncrasy.

We have also informed the local wolf-shifter clan that resides in La Push and the local vegan vampire clan. They have been told that you are a young witch that wants to left alone to live quietly. They will most likely send a representative to speak with you. Neither set of beings are a danger to you as long as you do not start indiscriminately killing or giving away their secrets. They have co-existed in an uneasy truce for several years now.

Wards have been placed. They are subtle enough that they should not be detected from a distance. They won't deter everyone for that would be suspicious for an area to suddenly become off-putting. Muggles will tend to wander away rather than through them. The wards will alert you to anyone crossing onto your property and give a general direction. There is also shielding in place around the house and acreage to hide normal everyday magics. Strong magics will leak out of the shielding but still shouldn't be detected at any great distance.

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