Chapter 21

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Jan 29 Cullens arrive in England / meeting Brianne

The Cullens stepped off the plane in England not bothering to hide their amusement at the young ones. It had been a very long trip especially for those that didn't sleep. There was profound relief from Jacob and Seth to finally be off the cramped plane and the enforced stillness. Nessie looked around excitedly. She hadn't been many places and being in a totally different country had her bouncing with excitement. She couldn't wait to see Reese and Diagon and Hogwarts and the Knight Bus and all the wonderful things she had glimpsed in Reese's head.

Emmett and Rosalie were eager to go sightsee by themselves for a few days. They liked Reese and Sirius more than Edward and Bella did but not as much as the others did. Edward and Bella found them too immature to become close friends. Reese and Sirius thought they were too stuck up and rigid to care what they thought about them. Rosalie just preferred not to get attached to short lived mortals.

Carlisle sighed at the sullen Leah. Edward said she was grateful to be away from Forks but she didn't see any hope of a solution. Hopefully after a few days she would let go of the angst and enjoy her vacation.

The customs agent was a bit bemused by the nine beautiful, mesmerizing people in one overwhelming dose. It wasn't long before they were cleared and headed out.

"There," Edward murmured pointing out a very uncomfortable Remus and Sirius.

Jasper was thankful when the two wizards led them out of the throng of warm blooded humans.

"A portkey," Nessie squealed excitedly when Sirius and Remus pulled out two Frisbees.

Remus chuckled. "You won't be so excited afterwards. It isn't a pleasant sensation the first couple of times."

"Great," Leah mumbled. "A long boring plane ride now this."

"Come on, Sis, lighten up." Seth reprimanded reaching for the Frisbee eagerly.

Intrigued, especially the older vampires that had become blasé about things, they touched the Frisbees.

The portkey jerked their belly buttons and squeezed them hard. London spun and twirled around them until they landed in a heap in a hallway of an old Victorian aged home.

Sirius and Remus laughed as their guests untangled themselves and gained their feet. Only Carlisle and Esme remained on their feet.

"Get off me," Leah shoved at her brother and the stinking vampire on top of her.

Seth scrambled to his feet as Rosalie bared her teeth at Leah and hissed.

"Rosalie," Carlisle called her down quietly.

"Shame on you for laughing," a female voice reprimanded them although her voice was laced with humor.

"Ah, come on, Bri." Sirius whined. "Elegant vampires in a pile on the floor...that's funny."

Brianne shook her head at him while her lips twitched. She reached down to help the young one's up. "It still isn't nice to laugh at your guests. Hi, I'm Brianne."

"Carlisle Cullen. My wife, Esme. Edward and Bella. Their daughter, Renesmee. Emmett, Rosalie, Jasper and Alice."

Brianne took a breath. They were mesmerizingly beautiful. She shook off the allure they emitted unconsciously.

Sirius clapped his hands together excitedly. "Let's introduce you to house elves. Nobody attack the excited little beings that are about to appear." He grinned at the confused looks. "Dobby, Winky."

Two loud pops and the oddest creatures they'd ever seen appeared. "Master Sirius calls! What cans Dobby and Winky does for Master Sirius?" Dobby bounced up and down excitedly while Winky looked thrilled and expectant.

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