Chapter 22

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Feb 3

Tom was out of patience.

Most all of the guests were polite if not friendly. Edward, Bella and Rosalie had solved their issues by going on an extended tourist trip of England and Scotland. Now that Jasper had the muting amulet he had relaxed and was just as fun to be around as Alice.

Jacob though was impossible. He was snapping and snarling and pushing his weight around. He was keeping Nessie upset and angry which had Hari upset. Not to mention he was dominating Seth and Leah until they were quiet and nearly whimpering under the strain of their Alpha's disapproval. You could almost see phantom wolves on their back, bellies bared superimposed over the teens.

The Cullens were in Black's study discussing moving to England – jobs, politics, prejudices, etc. Jacob was taking advantage of having the adults minus Tom out of the immediate area. He tended to ignore the magicals as not worth his respect and it was grating on Tom hard.

"You aren't a kid anymore Seth. You need to quit goofing off and act like an adult. I can't believe you just toss all your dignity away – paintball wars, that degrading game Fetch not to mention the way you three shriek and act the fool on that idiotic bus. I'm done tolerating these childish antics. Grow up."

Tom crossed the room where the young alpha was ripping into Seth for some imagined wrong doing and grabbed the boy by the back of his shirt and jerked him off balance. "Come with me, little alpha." He snarled.

Jacob twisted and used his heavier weight to stop their progress. "Let go, wizard!" He swiped at the older man knocking Tom backward several steps.

Furious, Tom hit him with a high power parsel stunner. Jacob dropped to the floor unconscious.

"Jacob!" Nessie cried out as Seth and Leah growled at Tom.

"Tom?" Hari had leaped to her feet when Tom had suddenly started across the room with red eyes. She had known that Jacob had finally crossed one of Tom's internal lines of acceptable behavior.

"I'm done tolerating his asinine behavior." Tom hissed red eyes flaring with fury. "Everyone is cowering back, letting him think he rules the roost in order to avoid a fight. Well, he needs to learn just how down the chain he actually is. And as I seem to have the most experience in teaching that particular lesson, I shall teach it to this young upstart."

With a flick of his wand he levitated Jacob through the doorway and down into the basement dueling room.

"Riddle what are you going to do?" Sirius asked sharply as they all hurried out of the study after the irate dark lord. Exceptional vampire hearing had taken in the confrontation and alerted Sirius and Remus.

Tom threw up several high power wards on top of the excellent safety wards already there. He moved back across the room and paused to look up at the worried gathering in the observation window.

"Don't worry, Renesmee I won't kill your bonded but I do intend to teach him manners."

Renesmee was pale and shaking. She clung to Hari. She knew who Tom was. Hari had shared the horror stories of when he was Voldemort. "Please! Please, he'll behave! I'll talk to him again."

"You have done nothing but talk to him and chastise him. It isn't working. He brushes you off because he is an arrogant male chauvinist who sees you as a fragile female he must pacify and protect." Tom flicked his wand.

Jacob came awake with a growl as he transformed and leaped at the wizard that dared to knock him out. He hit Tom like a bludger knocking Tom to the floor. He snarled and snapped at him viciously. His teeth caught Tom's arm ripping the flesh.

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