Chapter 19

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Jan 16 noon

Lucius and Narcissa were calling on all their past experience to hid the nerves they were feeling as they entered Marseille LeBeau's private dining room. Lord Black and Remus Lupin would soon be here to discuss the true goals and beliefs of the Dark Lord.

Lucius was tasked with winning the two wizards over to their side to make Potter happy. Potter, it was becoming more and more certain, was going to be their Dark Lady.

Lucius shook his head slightly. The Dark Lord looked at Potter and his eyes went soft and warm with real affection. He was solicitous around her. Gentle. Protective.

Lucius had to admit Potter had been a surprise. He had spent the past six years hearing from Severus and to a lesser degree Draco go on and on about the Light's Savior – her arrogance, her disregard for tradition, her hatred of all things Dark or Slytherin. Now to find out that she had apparently been tied up in compulsions cast by Dumbledore and hiding what part of herself was free from him. She was Dark Grey and getting Darker. She was confident, but not arrogant. Her disregard had really been ignorance. The Dark Lord was educating her and she was soaking it up; gravitating to the Old traditions and the Dark observances like she had finally found her way home.

The door open and a waiter bowed Black and Lupin into the room.

Lucius nodded at them in greeting. "Lord Black, Mr. Lupin feel free to examine the room. We wish you to be at ease."

Two wands appeared and the men checked for spells, traps, compulsions. Finally, they sheathed their wands.

"Narcissa, it is nice to see you again." Sirius said with real warmth. He had truly liked his cousin growing up.

Narcissa smiled and when Lucius subtly prodded her she gave in and crossed the room to kiss her cousin on the cheek. "I have missed you, Sirius."

They moved to the table and settled in. They spent a few minutes looking at the menu and ordering by tapping selections with their wands.

Sirius looked up at Lucius Malfoy. Sharp gray eyes met silver brazenly. "Riddle knows you're here?"

The Malfoys twitched at the use of their lord's muggle name. Lucius inhaled and settled his mind. It would do no good to snap at Potter's godfather and upset her.

"Yes. He wishes us to be...honest with the two of you."

"That has to be difficult."

Lucius smiled. "Slytherins can be very honest, Lord Black when honesty is the best path to follow."

A discreet knock warned them before the door opened and a waiter brought in their meals. After being reassured that everything was as ordered, the waiter left the room and privacy wards activated.

Sirius jumped right in. "Hari and I discussed the Sacred days at length especially Mabon and Beltane. I'm assuming, of course, that you celebrate them."

"We do."

"I know the Black's sacrificed young animals during Mabon." Narcissa murmured. "Most Dark families don't only the cruelest and most depraved do. If we are truly searching for guidance, we offer up a small amount of our own blood, but usually we offer up a small roast or bird of some type that has already been killed and prepared for a meal like chicken or duck."

"No one is forced to participate. There are families that don't celebrate Mabon." He glanced down and drew in a breath. Honesty. "The Dark Lord himself abstains from the day."

Sirius and Remus stared at him. "He doesn't celebrate Mabon?"

"No. His reasons are his own and I won't broadcast my unsubstantiated opinions on the matter."

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