Dec 17
The members of the Board of Governors read the expose on the past five years at Hogwarts in stunned disbelief. A multi-paged accounting of the dangerous happenings that had been kept secret from them and the public somehow. Even Lucius was shocked. He hadn't known of all of this. Why hadn't Draco told him?
An emergency meeting was called. Four members, one from each House, went to Hogwarts to collect three students from each House to corroborate the horrifying account sent to them anonymously.
Dumbledore looked up in surprise when the four Board members strolled in at breakfast time in the middle of the week. He stood from his seat. "May I help you?"
"We received a disturbing accounting of happenings in the school, Headmaster. We are here to collect members from our respective Houses to corroborate or deny the events."
"What type of happenings?" Dumbledore asked with a concerned look.
"You will be informed later. Now, Headmaster if you would make sure all the students are present."
Dumbledore nodded and reluctantly accessed the wards. His voice echoed through the castle calling all students to the Great Hall. He had heavy suppression and loyalty wards wove into Hogwarts wards. They wouldn't tell a thing.
Fifteen minutes later the Hall was full.
"I am Sidney Alexander, Ravenclaw, one of the Board of Governors." He explained to the gathered students. "A matter has come to the attention of the Board that need clarifying. Each one of us represents a House. We are calling three students from each House to come speak to the Board of Governors to verify or refute what we have been told. If you feel uneasy speaking with us you may request your Head of House or parent be present as well. I call Eddie Carmichael, Padma Patil, Rasmus Alderforth."
"I am Jillian Jewels, Gryffindor. I call Neville Longbottom, Callidora Hooch, Andrew Kirke."
"I am Grace Yaxley, Slytherin. I call Draco Malfoy, Harper Hastings, Alicia Septnum."
"I am Alice Iceler, Hufflepuff. I call Susan Bones, Zamira Penrose, Brett Nicks."
"I would like my aunt present." Susan stated as she joined Madam Iceler.
Madam Iceler nodded. She pulled a prepared note out and called a house elf to deliver it to Madam Bones. "Anyone else?"
"I would like Professor Flitwick." Padma said nervously.
Flitwick stood and hurried down to the group. He petted Padma's arm reassuringly.
Sidney looked at the furious Headmaster. "We will have them back before curfew this evening." They ushered the students out of the castle and down past the gates. Each Board member pulled out a portkey and once their small group was touching it, spoke the activation word.
The group appeared in the Board of Governors meeting room. The students looked around nervously.
"Aunt," Susan hurried over to her aunt, Amelia Bones, when she appeared. "Do you know what is going on?"
Draco moved to his father's side as well.
"Answer the questions honestly," Lucius murmured.
Draco blinked up at him and nodded. "Yes, Father."
"Please everyone be seated. We understand your trepidation. Be assured that none of you are in trouble and nothing you say here will be held against you. Even if you admit to wrong doing today, it will not be held against you." Sidney waited until everyone had settled and he had their undivided attention before continuing. "Yesterday each Board member received a quite detailed accounting of the school years from 1991 to the end of the 1995 school year. It was disturbing to say the least. What you are here to do today is corroborate or deny what we were sent. Everything corroborated will become highlighted in yellow on our copies. Refuted items red."
Potter in Forks
Fanfiction(This is not my original story but I saw that it was deleted and then I found it on some website again and I thought it should be on here again so.....) (I don't own Harry Potter or Twilight)