Job Swap

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A week after Zia started working at Freddy's the manager came up to her to ask her a question.
"Zia my night time security guard has finished his week and he doesn't want to be employed here any more so I need a night time security guard and I was wondering if you'd be interested? I'll give you a raise to... 160?"
"Sure i'll be the night time security guard. And the raise... I don't want to sound greedy but I'll take the raise my dad and I need a good salary flow." She said smiling while thinking about her dad.
"Great! So my guard already has one more night so are you ok with starting tomorrow?"
"Sure I'm fine with that! Thanks Paul." She said putting her hand up for a high five. Over the week of her working there her Paul and jack became great friends they had an astonishing relationship between the three of them so they trusted each other with everything.
She had gone home from her shift and told her dad about everything about her week old job. She went to bed then woke up the next morning and realized that it was Saturday! She forgot that yesterday was Friday so she are her breakfast then sat on the couch and turned on the TV and started watching 'Fixer Upper' a series that is about a couple that restores old homes. Then Jiggy comes running from Zia's room and jumped up onto the couch and layer on her lap soon with the comfort of a dog on her lap she and Jiggy fell asleep. Then the chiming of a clock saying that it was two o' clock so she popped up and went into her room casually slow and changed to jeans and a graphic t-shirt.
"Dad I'm going to the pizzeria for a little bit!" She yelled through the house from the door waiting for his response.
"Ok just don't be home to late."
"I'll be back at five cause I need to sleep so I'll be awake and alert during my security shift."
"Ok I'll be so lonely" he said in a fake disappointed voice with his hands on his heart.
"You'll have Jiggy." She said with chuckles.
"Oh a dog! A mans best friend but you are not a man but somehow Jiggy is your best friend!?" He said with a very gaspy voice as if he were trying to keep her longer and longer.
"Ok dad I want to gooo!" She said bending down some in agony for leaving.
"Ok I'm sorry I guess I am stalling" he said putting his hands to the side of him above his shoulders like he was holding plates.
"Yes now I love you and I'll be back at five." She said winking and making a clicking noise with her tongue.
She got in her car and drove of. Once she arrived at the pizzeria and walked through the doors while trying to scope out Jack or Paul.
"Hey Zia! I heard you were promoted to night guard!" Jack said running up to Zia.
"Yes tonight will be my first shift."
"Um speaking of which before you leave today I need you to come to my dad's office so we can 'talk' to you." He said with an uncertain voice.
"What do you mean 'talk'?" She said uncertain as well. "It's ok I trust y'all it's not like your gonna murder me!" She said with a jokingly serious voice.
"Well I'm just going to see what this place is like during the day. And I might play a few games."
"Oh that reminds me! Here is an employe card you can slide this card and you won't have to pay for the games!"
"Wow! That's awesome thanks Jack!"
"You betchya!" He said winking them jogging back to the kitchen. At about four Zia walked up to Chica and asked her if she wanted to play a game with her.
"Hey Chica want to play a game with me?"
"Sure I would love to what would you like to play?" She said with a choppy kind of voice.
"Air hockey?"
So they started playing but then! It was a tie! Twenty eight and twenty eight then Zia made a hard shove to the puck as well as Chica which caused the puck to fly in the air and was headed strait towards a young child so Zia and Chica launched them selves forward into a sprint towards the child to catch the puck but then Zia squatted behind the child to catch the puck while Chica quickly picked up the child. Then there was a 'thump' and a 'whine' then again another 'thump'. Everybody looked to see what the noise was them noticed Zia laying on the floor. The puck hit her on the head which somehow caused her to get knocked out so many people ran over to help her up then Paul and Jack came over and Zia was picked up by Paul and carried to a couch where Jack sat down and Paul laid Zia's head against the arm of the couch with Zia's body on jacks while everyone waited for her to wake up. Jack then called her dad.
"Mr. Bast? Mr. Cal Bast? This is Jack one of the employes at Freddy Fazbear's pizz-"
"Yes the pizzeria! What is the problem?"
"Sir could you please come down here to the pizzeria?"
"Yes yes! But what is wrong?"
"Long story short your daughter was knocked out by and air hockey puck."
"Oh my goodness well ok I'll be there in just a minuet."
Once Cal arrived he looked at Zia while he was wracking his brain to think of what to do.
"Somebody give me a glass of water please!" So Chica happened to run into the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water and gave it to Cal. Chica felt so bad to the thought of her self saving Zia but that did not happen.
Cal carried Zia to sink in the kitchen and poured the water on her face to wake her up.
"GAAAAASSSSSPPPPP!!!!" Zia gasped very large and coughed and walked to a table and bent over it to catch her breath and relax.
"What happened? All I remember was I was trying to save that kid from the "hockey puck!?"
"Yes honey it knocked you out!" Cal said to Zia in a surprised voice.
"Zia I'm sorry I could've saved you!" Chica said with a sad voice.
"No Chica it's ok I just need to go home and lay down for a bit then come back for my shift tonight."
"Ok I'll see you tonight!" Then Chica walked Out to the main room.
"Thank you Mr. Paul Baynard and Jack Baynard for taking care of my daughter." He said with a smile while he shook both of the men's hands.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2015 ⏰

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