Chapter 4: Ball Trouble

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“P.E.” I groaned. Unfortunately, our last subject was Physical Education. I don’t despise it. On the contrary, I enjoy the subject. It keeps me apt and running side by side with my mental self. But, I was not in any mood to go for it.  The jet lag was still disturbing my body system and I was feeling off to do something more than just sitting. I yawned in every subject and Adam had to shake me awake on several occasions today, showing how I was still exhausted.

Adam walked into the changing room with me trailing behind him. Half of the men were already stripping and changing to their PE attire, playfully snickering at each other and downright goofing around even half-dressed. We stopped by his locker, which was still coincidentally beside mine. I halfheartedly opened my locker and dumped my stuff in. I picked out my P.E. attire.

“Oi, Jay!” Randall called, waving his white boxers to get my attention. I smiled at him and waved back. Then I noticed the brunette guy beside him who was topless and was already stripping to his boxer brief. And there was an impressive bulge that I seemed to focus on. A thumb traced the hem of the waistband and I looked up to see the guy watching me with open amusement and a smirk plastered on his lips. F*uck!

I caught myself almost bowing in embarrassment and swiftly change my action to just nonchalantly moving my gaze away from him. Bowing my head would just put red lights on my gawking and gawking at another guy will just scream one obvious thing. I have some ball trouble.

When I turned back to Adam, he grabbed the lower hem of his shirt and pulled it off with one fluid motion, revealing his perfectly sculpted, toned washboard abs, hairless chest and more than decent biceps. Then he bent down. Using those thumbs again, he pushed down his and he was standing only in his brief.

“Like what you see?” Adam teased.

“S-shut up!” I slapped him with my shirt. I slumped on the bleachers. “I just zoned out. Still on jet lag.”

“Then why are you tenting?”

NO WAY, but I felt something down stirred when he I was looking at him. At the expense of my curiosity, I looked down only to hear the bastard guffaw.

“Jerk!” I hissed, turning my back to him and undressing. He just laughed even harder. I dressed quickly as I noticed that I was the only one left in the room.

When I turned back around Adam was casually leaning on the door frame. I wanted to be angry at him for making fun of me, but I couldn’t. He was just that close to unknowingly unravel my secret. But he never meant to. He was just being a boy jesting around with another boy. I couldn’t justify my anger. May be I’m just afraid to lose him. I may not be able to remember everything and for the record, we are just really starting over. But Adam is a good guy that rarely exists these days and I want to be part of his life.

He inclined his head out, indicating me to follow so I did. The class gathered on the left wing of the basketball court.

A whistle blew and we sat on attention as a man about 5 year older than us came in through the double doors opposite our seat, pushing a large, yellow cart.  He scanned the crowd and when he came to me, his brow furrowed for a fraction but he immediately wiped it off and smiled at us.

“Good morning, class. I’m Tyro Tuitio, substitute for Professor Arnold Swass. And since you all look bored, let’s forgo with the pleasantries and play dodge ball.” He smiled evilly as some cheer and some groaned and was just apathetic. I was part of the groaning ones. “Gather around for 2 teams and no, not by peers. Line up people and take your stick here.”

I stayed back and waited for the class to take theirs’ before I took mine which had a blue wax-coated end. Adam being the awesome bestfriend he was, stayed with me at the back. And by the hundredth coincidence today, we end up in the same team.

“You know what to do, take your balls. By balls I meant the rubber ones, not your nuts. Blue team, on my left. Red team, on the other. When I blow the whistle, game’s up.” Coach Tyro ordered.

I just groaned. I didn’t know if it was just that loud or Coach had a very sensitive pair of ears, but he said, “And if I hear another groan I’ll give you ten laps in the oval.”

“Crazy sadistic P.E. teachers.” I muttered under my breath. I looked back at coach after I took my ball. May be I were crazy but I saw him smiled fondly at me as if saying ‘you are difficult but I still love you’. Weird. I just waved it off my mind and joined Adam who was spinning his ball on his middle finger. Show off. The class placed the balls in one line and walked about ten foot away from

“Seems like coach has a very special liking of you.” Adam sited.

“Whatever you did you to piss him off?” Randall asked who was surprisingly on my team as well.

“The hell I know.” Warily taking a peak at the said person, I dribbled my ball absentmindedly. He looked like Greek with black wavy hair cut short. His blue piercing eyes swept on me and gave me a get-your-head-on-the-game look. I looked away in embarrassment which I had been doing on numerous times in just a few minutes.

“Okay people, you know the rules!” Coach Tyro shouted then blew his whistle. And aw, hell. Balls started shooting from dozen different directions.

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