Chapter 11.2: A Big Misunderstanding

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...At least they can have a bonding time, even though it was imposed. I just grinned at them and waved them off to start moving...

“This isn’t so bad now, is it?” I asked as I watched Adam spoon feed Sander with pudding. They looked so damn cute even if they were itching to kick each other’s butts. I’m so envious right now.

I had conspired with Kurt to take stolen shots and videos recording of this wonderful moment. Kurt was the stealthiest of us even if he was loud and conspicuous most of the time. I told him upload it on Facebook later. “You two are so adorable.” To add more insult, I impudently made cooing noises.

Adam and Sander both glared at me. But it was all show and no heat. I toothily grinned at them. I might not be bad but I’m definitely pretty mischievous.

“What the fuck is going on?” A high pitched irritated voice asked. A tall ash blonde haired girl with bright piercing eyes broke through the crowd.

“Ooh. The alpha bitch has finally graced our table.” Tala sarcastically muttered under her breath. Now that Tala mentioned it, I remember she was the girl who always sits beside Sander in the cafeteria. I think her name was Alana Archon. I instantly disliked her.

“Why are you holding his hand, Sander? Are you a fag?” Alana asked impatiently, trying to pull Sander’s hands apart from Adam’s.

I decided it was my time to interfere. I cleared my throat. “I won’t do that if I were you.” Alana glared sharply at me, regarding me as a puny nuisance on her nail. Brat. And there was that cold fury again. Same look of fury I got from Sander during dodge ball and Abel a little while ago was burning coldly in her ice blue eyes.

“Are telling me what to do?” Her voice was snappy, not at all pleased that someone was bossing her.

“I’m just warning you. This two had a dog fight earlier and right now they are serving their punishment. Break their hands away and they will continue this for the rest of the week. You wouldn’t want to extend it, would you?” I challenged her.

“Listen, whoever the hell you are. My parents own this school. I can do whatever the hell I want to do. And anyone-” She looked around challenging everyone then she glared back at me. “-anyone stupid enough to stop me will be expelled the very next instance.”

I sighed. I never liked dealing with brats. Right now, I had enough fill of foul against my patience. I looked around for Kurt. He was continually filming the scene. Good. I have enough back up, in case this turns sour.

“Look here, Brat. Even if you are the daughter of the president I wouldn’t drop my duty. These two trouble makers made an offense and no spoiled brat will make me stop from carrying out their punishment.” I put my fist on the table, rattling the content on it and making everyone close enough to flinch. “You can do anything you want. But you never step on someone else’s right. Cross that line. And I promise you, I will send you and your minions back to hell. I’m not afraid to fight back.”

“You’re going to get you expelled.” Alana said, tight lipped.

I inclined my head. “Yes, you do that… before I did.” I snapped. Kurt gave me his phone with the video already playing to a specific part I wanted it to. I flipped it to Alana.

“Listen, whoever the hell you are. My parents own this school. I can do whatever the hell I want to do. And anyone… Anyone stupid enough to stop me will be expelled the very next instance.”

Alana visibly paled. “Do you know how well the faculty will react when a daughter of their trustees is floundering her influence and bullying individuals in a school who strictly forbids bullying? I wonder…”

“You!” Alana was seething. A deep mark scowl was marring her beautiful features like an angered modern fairy.

I looked around pretending I didn’t know who she was referring. Then I pointed at myself, question if it was me.

“Arghhh!” Alana turned her back and stormed off. “Get out of my way!” She pushed away those people who were too slow to clear off her way.

Applauses broke out. I was surprised that everyone was clapping.

“Jay, that was awesome!” Tala exclaimed, showing me a video from her phone. It was a video of Alana storming off. “I thought I deal with her. But you. You handed her ass so much better than I can!”

“Well, I never really like pompous brats.” I said, watching Alana glared at me across the cafeteria. There was a big misunderstanding between us and I didn’t think it would be one easy to fix.

“Join the club.” Kurt said and turned back to taking picture of the awkward couple of Adam and Sander. Another party with a big misunderstanding. But at least, it was mending even if it was little by little.

“You can break it up guys.” I decided.

Adam and Sander looked up with questioning stares.

"I'm ending your punishments-" The two immediately let go of each other’s hands and put as much distance from one another. I chuckled at their almost orgasmic relief. “You’re short-lived affair is beautiful but I don't want to have another fight, especially with your girlfriend."

The crowd swiftly dissipated.

"She's not my girlfriend." Sander grumbled.

"Could have fooled me." I said but I was elated by the news for some reason.

Sander glared at me. I just gave him my most bored bitch face. As if his glare would work at me after his heart-felt confession during our research.

"Why does everybody keeps saying that? It's fucking annoying!" Sander groaned in frustration.

I shrugged and got up heading to my next class.

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