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Christmas was around the corner

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Christmas was around the corner. The semester of school had just ended. And Bella was tired. 

Seeing Tristan every day wasn't enough, but she also had Paris' constant nagging and teasing.

She was glad to just be home, away from all the other Prep school students and even the teachers. Bella was very grateful for the privilege she had to be going to such an amazing school, but she was happy to be home and to be able to spend more time with her family and Simon. 

Getting home after the last day of the semester, Bella just walked into her mother's welcoming arms. 

Lorelai knew how tired Bella was. It was beyond obvious. The poor girl had been sulking around the house with bags under her eyes. She was just glad that Simon came over almost every night to do homework with Bella, but really he was just there to make sure she was alright. 

"You okay, hun?" Lorelai asked her daughter who was still standing in her embrace.

"I'm just so tired. And I'm glad I don't have to see anyone from that school for a few weeks."

Lorelai hummed in response. "Is he still bugging you?"

Bella nodded, "Yeah, he tries to talk to me every day. He put flowers in my locker this week. I appreciate that he's trying, I really do, but I know he hasn't actually changed. And it's just hurting me."

"Maybe you shouldn't have the expectation that he will change, not everybody has a good side," Lorelai advised Bella.

"But Tristan does have a good side. I've seen it. I just wish he would let the world see it," Bella explained.

"I know sweetie," Lorelai told her daughter before kissing her on top of her head and releasing her from the long hug they shared when they heard a knock at the door.

Bella went to open it and she saw Simon standing with a big, goofy smile on his face, holding a takeout bag from Luke's.

Bella smiled back at him and she went outside to give him a hug. 

With one hand around her waist, he picked her up slightly, as she giggled. "School's out!" 

Bella laughed at his statement, "It's for like, two weeks. Relax."

"Two weeks is all I need to turn that frown," Simon put his index fingers to the side of Bella's mouth to create a frown. "Upside down."

Bella chuckled, "You're an idiot."

"I know," Simon said bopping her nose, "But I'm your favourite idiot."  

Bella bopped his nose back and said, "That, you are."

Bella and Simon went into the house and sat on the couch, when Lorelai walked in.

"Hey Simon," She greeted.

"Hi Lorelai!" Simon greeted enthusiastically.

Lorelai smiled, "I'm guessing you're excited for the holidays?" 

"You have no idea," Simon told her, "I'm gonna be watching movies with this one," Gesturing to Bella, "The whole time."

"Do I have a say--" Simon cut her off by putting his hand over her mouth and shushing her.

Lorelai laughed, "Okay, well I'll leave you kids be. Simon, I would invite you to stay for dinner but  I don't cook so Rory and I will be eating out tonight."

"All good Mrs. G I brought the goods," Showing his Luke's takeout.

Lorelai gasped, putting her hand over her heart dramatically, "I'm offended that you didn't bring me any! Also never call me Mrs. G again, it makes me feel old," She laughed. "Anyways, have fun children!"

Lorelai grabbed her coat and bid her goodbye to the pair on the couch. Rory was meeting her mother at Luke's so Simon and Bella had the house to themselves.

Bella studied Simon's face, although in the past few weeks, they had spent so much time together, she hadn't really looked at him. It looked like he hadn't shaved in a few days, stubble covering the parts of the face where his facial hair was meant to grow. 

Simon looked older than he actually was, he looked like he was maybe 20 instead of 16, which was probably why so many girls liked him. But she also realized how much he had grown.

When he moved away he still had a baby face. He was considered cute by most girls their age but 14 year old Bella thought he was disgusting looking.

Now, Bella could see why all those girls would swoon. He had piercing blue eyes, and a smile to die for. But, although she loved Simon, dating him would make things so awkward.

And the idea of them breaking up if they were to date hurt her even more. She already lost him once, she couldn't imagine losing him again.

"What are you thinking about?" Simon asked the girl sitting to his right.

"Nothing, just thinking about random stuff."

"Like..?" Simon trailed off, waiting for an answer.

Bella smiled, "Like how much I appreciate you for coming over here everyday to check up on me."

Simon's face turned tomato red, "Um, no. I came over so we could do homework because I needed help."

"Okay, let's go with that," Bella teased.

"Really!" Simon grabbed a pillow and lightly hit her with it.

The two laughed loudly, not being able to contain themselves.

The laughter died out and Simon spoke up, "But really, I had to make sure you were good, you know? I hate seeing you upset."

Bella smiled softly, "I know, Simon. And I really appreciate it. You have no idea how much."

"You would do the same for me, that's what best friends are for," Simon stated, a serious look in his face.

A moment of silence passed between the two of them. Just looking into each other's eyes. It wasn't uncomfortable. It was like both of them were trying to process what Simon had just said.

Best friends. 

Maybe they were searching for an answer. Maybe it was just a look of appreciation. But neither of the two would know what was going through the other's mind.

It could have been anything. 

But the main question that ran through both of their minds was, Are we just best friends? 

Bella quickly snapped out of it, shaking her head, as if to shake off the intrusive thoughts she was having. Simon flinched at the sudden movement, snapping out of his daze too, but he still kept his eyes on her as she looked down at her thighs.

"Yeah," She muttered.

Simon sighed, and put a smile on his face. 

"Well," He started, "How about that movie ?"

Bella smiled and nodded.

The rest of the night was spent eating, watching the movie, gossiping, and completely ignoring the moment they had.



I hope this was good. It's kind of a filler but I just felt the urge to write so here's this!

Thank you for all the support on this book! It is very appreciated!

'Til next time!!

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