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     The day after Simon and Bella's meet up at Luke's, Lorelai went to meet Rory and Bella's teachers, only to find out that Rory got a 'D.' Of course, Lorelai wasn't disappointed in her daughter, she was just surprised and shocked that Rory didn't tell her. She was just as surprised with Bella's mark considering Bella practically never got anything under an 'A' in English.

Lorelai helped both girls study for the Shakespeare test they had the next day (Rory more than Bella), and by the time the clock hit 10:00, Bella bid Rory and her mother goodnight before heading to her room and to sleep.


The next morning, Bella woke up at around 6:45 a.m. She got her uniform on and got ready. She walked out of her room and into the kitchen where she found Rory and her mother asleep at the kitchen table. Bella furrowed her eyebrows and went to wake them up. She shook Rory's shoulder, but Rory just ended up groaning and turning over, completely dismissing her sister. Bella sighed and tried her mother instead. She gently tried to wake her mother up, and Lorelai opened her eyes.

"Good morning!" Bella said, while her mother just groaned. "I'm gonna head out a bit early today. Could you make sure that Rory makes it to school on time?"

"Yeah, yeah. Sure," Lorelai yawned.

"Okay, great. I'll see you later," Bella said before grabbing her bag.


Bella smiled and walked out the door in a hurry to make her way to Luke's and get a coffee before her bus came.


The first school bell was about to ring, and Bella still hadn't seen any sign of Rory, and she was getting worried. Bella just dismissed it though, their lockers were in different locations, so she just assumed that Rory went to the library to review things for the test. But when Bella made it to class and Rory wasn't there, she got worried.

She walked up to Mr. Medina and said, "Sir, I don't think Rory is here yet--"

"Rules are rules, Ms. Gilmore. If Rory misses the test, it's an automatic 0," Mr. Medina told the girl who just sighed and went back to her seat.

"Hey, Belle," Bella felt someone whisper in her ear, making the girl flinch. She turned around to see Tristan sitting behind her, smiling.

Bella rolled her eyes, "What do you want, Tristan?"

"Wow, someone's in a bad mood today!" Tristan pointed out which made Bella even more mad.

"Thanks for noticing, genius!" Bella snarled and turned around.

Tristan's eyes widened when he realized that his crush was really in a bad mood, "I'm sorry! Okay?" He said more delicately, "What's wrong?"

Bella looked into his eyes to see forgiveness, and she sighed, giving in, "Rory's late and the test is about to start. I'm worried about her, she's never been late to school before."

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