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     After the school day ended and the girls got back home from the Independence Inn, Lorelai and Bella sat in front of the television waiting for the news to come on, while Rory sat in the kitchen studying

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     After the school day ended and the girls got back home from the Independence Inn, Lorelai and Bella sat in front of the television waiting for the news to come on, while Rory sat in the kitchen studying.

     "The news is on!" Lorelai called.

     "One sec," Rory called back.

     "For our top story tonight, a grisly horrible thing that happened in a small town where not grisly horrible things ever happen. Everyone's shocked. House slides downhill. Liposuction kills, stay fat," Lorelai said, then turned off the TV, "Hey let's get ice cream. I'm bored," Lorelai said before disappearing into the kitchen and Bella couldn't hear her after that.

     The phone suddenly began ringing, and Bella called out to her mother saying, "I've got it!"

     She pushed herself off from the couch an made her way to the phone, picking it up and saying, "Hello?"

     "Hey Juliet," Bella heard Simon's all too familiar voice come through the other line.

     "Hey Simon," Bella sighed.

     "What's the matter?" Simon heard the stress in her voice.

     "Nothing," Bella said, trying to cover up how she was feeling.

     "Don't 'nothing' me, tell me?" Simon persisted.

     "Fine, meet me at Luke's in ten minutes, okay?"

     "Great, see you soon!" Simon concluded and hung up the phone.

     Bella grabbed her jacket from the coat before telling her mother, "Mom! I'm going to Luke's to meet Simon!"

     "Okay Honey! Tell Simon I say hi!"

     Bella opened the front door, "Will do, bye!" Bella finished before walking out of the house.

     Bella ran down the porch stairs before walking off.


     As Bella was making her way to Luke's, she looked to her feet as she walked on the sidewalk, accidentally bumped into someone.

     "Oh my god! I'm so sorry!" She said as she looked up at the person she bumped into, seeing it was Dean.

     "We need to stop meeting like this!" Dean exclaimed with slight laughter.

     Bella's cheek's flushed, as she looked to the ground again with an innocent smile, "I wasn't paying attention... I'm really sorry."

     "It's fine, Bella, don't even worry about it," Dean said with a smile, then continuing, "I've actually been meaning to ask you something."


     "Are you related to Rory Gilmore, by any chance?" He asked her and Bella wanted to slap herself in the face for thinking that he was going to ask her out. She wouldn't have said yes because she knew that Rory liked him, but she still thought he was cute.

     "Yeah, she's my sister. Well, my twin actually," Bella answered, "Why?" She asked trying to get information out of him.

     "Oh twin? Wow. Um, no reason, I was just wondering," Dean said, looking around uncomfortably, while he blushed slightly. " Well, I gotta get home, but I'll see you around, yeah?"

     "Yeah, I'll see you,"Bella bid him goodbye before walking into Luke's where she saw Simon sitting at a table by himself.

     Bella smiled and walked over to him. She tapped him on the shoulder, he turned around with a neutral look on his face but as soon as he saw that it was her his face lit up within seconds.

     "Hey," Bella greeted her best friend with a smile.

     "Hey," He returned the greeting and then gestured for her to sit.

     As Bella took her seat in front of Simon, Luke came over and took her order, which was only coffee, and left.

     "Now tell me who hurt you, and I'll kill them," Simon told the girl.

     Bella let out a small laugh and looked down at her hands in her lap. "No one hurt me, Simon," She told the blue-eyed boy sitting in front of her, "I've just been feeling a bit down lately."


     "Well, starting at a new school has been so hard. The work-load is insane, and I don't know if I can handle it. I mean, today, we got a paperback and Rory— Rory, of all people— got a 'D!' That doesn't happen to Rory! It's just so hard!" Bella ranted to her friend who just sat there silently listening to her, "And then there are the people who are just so— ugh! For example, there's this one guy who won't leave me alone. I mean, he's cute and all, but he needs to give it a rest I—"

     "I'm sorry, a guy is bothering you? Do I need to take care of it?" Simon cut her off.

     "No, no! He's just playing around, but he keeps calling me Belle which is so annoying because it's so close to Bella, but yet it's so off," Bella trailed off, which caused Simon to laugh.

     "I think you like him," Simon said to her with a smile.

     "Oh, shut up! I do not!" Bella said, slapping his arm.

     "Oh, I think you do, you just don't know it yet," Simon said, but instantly felt a weird feeling in his chest. He didn't know what it was, but it didn't feel good.

     Simon and Bella sat in 'Luke's' until it closed when they parted ways and each of them made their way home.

     When Simon laid down on his bed that night and thought about everything, Bella said to him about that guy. He felt the feeling in his chest once again. It was something he had never felt before, and he couldn't identify what it was. He dismissed it and went to sleep.



I hate doing A/N's but I feel like this one was needed considering this chapter is horrible. I'm really sorry I haven't updated in a while. We've been having issues in my family lately so I haven't been able to write, but I'm back! 

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