{dna} 1.1

305 24 24

hey besties !!!

i'm super excited for this one !!


zach loved performing. it was his favorite thing.

"zaiden? dude where are you?" zach looked around his dressing room. "why does he always disappear like this?"

"he left a little bit ago. he said he needed some air." corbyn shrugged and grabbed his drumsticks. he was zach's drummer and best friend.

"okay. i'll just text him." zach grabbed his phone and texted his brother that the show was about to start.

"let's do this."

"we've got another one guys. boca raton florida called us in. the local field office connected a bunch of unsolved homicides all over the country. all gay men and all have their genitals removed but i don't want to see that so you can all look at the pictures in front of you." franny pointed to the files on the table.

"blunt force trauma to the head. all were sodimized with what appears to be a knife." jack sighed and looked away from the images in front of him. he felt sick.

"this all looks like a hate crime that went to far." jonah flipped through the pictures. "jack are you sure you can work this case?"

jack quickly nodded. "of course i can. me being gay doesn't change the fact that we need to catch this guy."

"everything this guy does seems personal." chloe looked at the team. "he literally beat them to death in their homes."

"all these men look similar. all white with brown hair. same build and around 5'10. my guess is this guy is a surrogate for either himself or someone he's close to." eliana read the file.

"i just don't understand why they're all over the country. three in california. that's where they started. he has to have a good mode of transportation to get him from the west coast to the east coast in thirteen days and still have time to kill almost every day." daniel scratched his head.

"these guys all look eerily similar. how does he get guys who all look similar in such a short amount of time. he's had a cooling off period of less than twenty four hours." eben looked at the screen with the victims faces on it.

"exactly why we need to get to florida. wheels up in thirty." jonah gathered his file and stood up.

jack stood by the elevators with his go bag. he held his phone up to his ear. "hey sugar i know you're probably still performing but i just wanted to warn you that i'm on a case right now in florida so i'll be a bit busy but i'll call you as soon as i can. i love you."

jack ended the call and put his phone back in his pocket. both of their schedules were busy but they made it work.

"who was that i love you for pretty boy?" daniel nudged jack's shoulder with a smirk on his face.

"no one."

"liar. does jack avery have a secret boyfriend?" daniel smiled as they stepped in the elevator together.

"my personal life is none of your concern." jack's cheeks flushed as he pressed the button for the first floor.

jack's phone buzzed in his pocket. jack pulled it out to see a text in response to his voicemail.

'stay safe bug i love you! <3'

"bug huh? that's cute. you call him sugar? also cute." daniel leaned over and looked at jack's screen.

case closed // jachary au Where stories live. Discover now