{dna} 1.5

253 19 1

hey besties !!!

i'm back with the final part of dna !!!

i hope you like it.



"agent?" the doctor came through the door, clipboard in hand.

eliana stood up, zach immediately following, jolting corbyn awake.

"how is he?" eliana bit her lip and crossed her arms over her chest.

"he's stable. the shots were pretty clean and easy to fix up. he's obviously going to be out of the field for awhile. he's sleeping but he should be waking up soon. he's on some pain medication. it's pretty low at the request of you and your team so he might feel some pain. no narcotics and i made sure to put that on his chart. he'll be in here for a bit but should be able to travel pretty soon. you're allowed to go in but be gentle." the surgeon then led them to jack's room.

they went in and zach immediately pulled up a chair and grabbed jack's free hand. he pressed a soft kiss to it and looked at his sleeping boyfriend.

eliana stepped out of the room to tell the rest of the team that jack was out of surgery.

zach's knee was rapidly bouncing up and down as he stared at jack's face.

zach felt the tears slowly fall down his cheeks as he rested his chin on jack's hand.

"awe don't cry sugar. i'm alright." jack's voice was quiet and scratchy.

"jacky-" zach shot up out of the chair and cupped jack's cheeks. "i'm so sorry."

"it's not your fault." jack sucked in a breath and closed his eyes.

"does it hurt?" zach brushed jack's brown hair from his eyes.

jack nodded and squeezed zach's wrist. "just a little. the leg one hurts the most."

"do you want us to get a nurse?" eliana walked back into the room. "she could probably give you some ibuprofen."

jack quickly nodded and looked up at zach. "kiss?"

zach smiled and leaned down to press a soft kiss to jack's lips. "i love you."

"i love you too."

"mama!" zach gasped and threw his arms around his mother's shoulders. he felt like he could cry.

"hi bud. how're you ? are you okay?" she cupped his cheeks and inspected him to make sure he wasn't hurt anywhere.

"i'm fine. i promise. jack's excited that you're here. except for the occasion of course." zach crossed his arms over his chest and looked into jack's hospital room where he was sleeping.

"how's he doing?" she looked through the window, her frown growing at the sight of the boy.

"unfortunately this isn't the first time he's been shot but his surgeon thinks he'll make a full recovery." zach looked at the floor, blinking a few times to get rid of the spots in his vision.

"your dad is bringing lunch." she grabbed the boys arm and made him sit in the chair. "zaiden pleaded guilty without hesitation. he's either getting five life sentences or the death penalty. the judge is leaning towards the latter."

zach clenched his jaw and closed his eyes. "is it bad if i say i hope he gets it?"

his mom sighed and set a hand on his shoulder. "zach the things he did are unthinkable and the reasons why are worse." she paused, "your manager told us how you wanted to help pay for the funerals of the victims. your father and i want to help. we also think you should cancel the rest of tour. just for now at least."

case closed // jachary au Where stories live. Discover now