{dna} 1.4

330 26 25

hey besties !!!!!

this story is already almost done but i'll have a proposition following the last part so stay tuned for that !!!



"this is zach's venue. this is where is concert was last night." chloe tightened her vest.

"this place is huge." daniel looked the building up and down.

"swat is going in first and then us. we want this guy alive." jonah took his gun out. "let's go."

it was quiet. almost too quiet. there were two agents with each grouping of swat.

chloe and daniel slowly followed behind the men.

"found him!"

chloe and daniel ran down to the room where the swat man was.

"zaiden herron? put your hands up to where we can see them!" daniel had his gun trained at the back of the boys head. "now!"

zaiden laughed and he stood up. a piece of paper and what looked like a wallet in his hand.

"doctor jack avery huh? that's who my skank of a brother is dating? he's not here is he?" zaiden turned around, putting his hands up, and dropping the paper. "oh of course not. he's in town. mcdonald's was it? my brother was always a sucker for their milkshakes."

the paper floated down landing at the feet of chloe and daniel. daniel kept his gun trained on zaiden as she crouched down to pick the paper up.

"daniel. that's jack in an suv." chloe swallowed.

"make sure you give this back to him for me. i couldn't help myself." zaiden dropped it on the ground.

"jack's credentials. his badge." chloe pulled a glove out of her pocket and picked it up. "is this-"

"don't ask stupid questions agent roux. of course it's jack's blood." zaiden laughed as he turned around and held his hands behind his back.

daniel pulled his handcuffs out before clasping them on his wrists. "zaiden herron you're under arrest for the murder of fourteen boys."

zach was sitting in the interrogation room with jack's blazer draped over his shoulders. he was tired and hungry.

"jack where are you?" zach groaned and leaned back in his chair.

zach jumped when the door opened. jonah walked over to him and undid his handcuff. "i need you to come with me."

"where's jack?" zach stood up and put jack's jacket on."jonah. where's jack?"

"please just sit here with agent meyer for a moment." jonah gently pulled zach out of the interrogation room and into the main room.

zach's heart started racing and he grabbed the locket around his neck. "is he okay?"

jonah pulled out his phone. "franny do you have the coordinates yet?"

"yes he's in town. there isn't an address because of the construction but i'm sending the coords." franny hit enter. "his phone just turned off."

"thanks franny. let's go guys. call medical to that area. daniel the room is empty for you when you get here." jonah ran out of the station, the rest of the team, and a group of officers.

"medical? are they talking about jack?" zach turned around to look at the girl.

"he's going to be okay. please sit down and relax." eliana set her hand on zach's shoulder.

case closed // jachary au Where stories live. Discover now